- Preventive of stagnation of water anywhere on site and office.
- Covering of all water storage tanks properly and make them mosquito proof.
- Stop all leakages.
- Pot holes/any excavation done for development work to be filled up.
- All floors beds, Toilets and all other sunken area under construction, should be filled up with sand and treated chemicals.
- Preventive actions for eradication/non occurrence of Malaria.
- Total Hygiene in and around site especially near the labour camp.
- Contractors should be told to organize the doctors’ visit as frequent as required for the labours deployed at site.
- Lift well pit are and all other open pits, where water can accumulate should be filled with sand so that water cannot accumulate.
- Site correction wherever there is accumulation of water to be covered or filled up.
- Regular checking/testing of drinking water supplied for labour should be organized and all records in that respect should be maintained at site.
- Checking of all electrical (temporary and permanent) installations at site to ensure sound system and also provide ELCB (30mA) & MCB to all panels. Where ever needed, electrical installations & equipment should be protected from rains. No open joints should be exposed to rains.
- All excavation pits should be properly demarcated and edges shall be protected by proper barricading to avoid any one from falling in to it.
- Night warning lights should be installed where ever required.
- Indore Residual Spraying in the dwellings at the construction site to prevent malaria transmission.
- Ensure hygienic condition at site & labour camp.
- Baseline survey & screening at regular bases for malaria with timely treatment.
- Maintain health card for every worker.
- All security staff deployed at site should be asked to keep extra vigil and bring to sight in charge’s notice any safety & security concerns.
- Service of qualified medical practitioner at site.
- Distribution of insecticide impregnated mosquito net to all workers.
- All Temporary shelters to be treated with the appropriate insecticides.
- Immediate reporting of any case to RUPL safety department.
- Please note the BMC will make surprise visit at the construction site and those site were precaution are not taken will be dealt with severely and stringent action will be taken.
- Spray DDT powder in an around sanitary facilities OR increase repellent spray from local authority to prevent from any epidemic disease.
- Open / clear all drains in and around project site.
- Do proper barricading to excavation pit and de-watering is done regularly.
- All excavation must be done either slope cutting or benching.
- No materials should be stacked close to the excavated pits.
- Safe access & egress must be provided to all excavation and height works.
- Ensure of having proper approaches to site offices, stores, crane, vehicles, storage yards, etc. if required.
- Secure all loose G. I. Sheets to prevent from flying off in case of stormy & gusty wind.
- Do proper rain protection during welding and gas cutting.
- Ensure of stability of scaffolding daily before commencement of work.
- No work must be carried out during rain and heavy wind at open height.
- No heavy lifting and shifting activity should be done during rain & heavy wind.
- Cover the gears, wire rope drums of cranes / material hoist by plastic / PVC sheets.
- Antidote arrangements for poisonous insect / snake bite.
- Inform all drivers / operators not move close to the excavated area. Land slide may occur.
- Ensure all temporary DB’s are provided with proper grounding & ensure continuity of earthing loop to all DB’s.
- Provide glass covers for Halogen fittings for avoiding water entry.
- Avoid/arrest water leakage in all offices / buildings as this may cause electrical faults / short-circuit in the electrical system.
- Always use Industrial Plug tops and good insulated cables.
- Ensure of having double earthing for all electrical equipment.
- Never work on Electrical jobs with wet Clothes and PPEs. Use only insulated and dry tools.
- Electricians must use 11KV tested Electrical Safety Shoes & hand cloves.
- Always Ensure the Plank / Working Platform is secured and dry.