How to stack cement bags & steel bars on site ?

Stacking of cement bags

  • Cement should be stored on a raised platform, about 15 cm (6”) above ground level.
  • Flooring should be damp proof.
  • Ventilators should be as minimum as possible in size and number.
  • Water should not seep in the store through doors/windows.
  • To avoid loss in strength due to storage, first in/first out (old stock/new stock) system should be followed.
  • A maximum of 10 bags should be stored in each stack.
  • The receipt date of cement should be displayed on a slate against that particular stack.

Ideal Cement Stacking

Stacking of steel bars

  • Steel should be stored diameter wise in a steelyard and should be locked with M.S. chains.
  • Access to the steelyard with approach road for vehicles should be provided.
  • To avoid rusting, steel should not be directly placed on ground. Cement blocks should be used as platforms.
  • Cut pieces of steel should be stored separately in the steelyard.
  • Internal area of yard should be sufficiently compacted with murum, for easy truck movement.
  • Separate space should be provided for columns and beams.
  • Sufficient working space should be provided for the fitters.
  • Unusable scrap should be stacked in a separate corner until it is disposed of.

Ideal Steel Yard