The vegetation growth as seen on walls is the result of faulty plumbing. When the joints of pipes or fittings are not fitted properly, leakage and seepages occur through the joints or through cracks that develop around the fittings. This leads to fungal attack which in turn causes the vegetation growth.
Faulty plumbing is the result of
- Improper layout of the drainage pipelines or the choice of systems to be used is not correctly understood.
- Improper execution is also one of the major causes of leakages.
Projections (burr) in traps or C.I. pipes where pieces of lints, pieces of cotton, match sticks etc. remain, may lead to choke-up of the pipe line.
Besides, tiny cracks, holes in pipes, traps and other fittings also cause leakages.
The connecting branch pipe should have sufficient slope for self- cleansing velocity.
Slope may not be maintained due to lone length and restricted depth of sunken portion. Branch pipe should have the minimum length.
Method of joining is also held responsible for leakages.
Many joints are linked to the network of pipelines. If these joints are not properly filled, leakages can occur.
To avoid leakages in floors where pipes are embedded, use lead joints, if possible.
Inner circumstantial face of nahani trap, if not finished properly, allows waste water to percolate.