Pipe bursting is
trenchless pipe replacement technique in which a cone shaped tool (bursting
head) is inserted into the existing pipe & forced through it, fracturing
the pipe & pushing its fragments into surrounding soil. At the same time
new pipe is installed by pulling it into the place the new pipe can be of the
same size or larger than the replaced pipe the rear end of the bursting head is
connected to new pipe & front end of the same is connected to either a
winched cable or a pulling rod assembly. The bursting head & new pipe are
launched from the insertion pit. The cable or rod assembly is pulled from
reception pit.
The nose of bursting
head is often smaller in diameter than the existing pipe to maintain alignment
& to insure uniform burst. The base of bursting head is larger than
diameter of existing pipe to be burst; it is also larger than diameter of
replacement pipe to reduce the friction
Typical Pipe Bursting
operation layout.
Main classes of pipe
Pneumatic Pipe Bursting:
Pneumatic pipe bursting
In this case, head is a cone shaped, soil
displacement hammer, driven by compressed air with the rate of 180-580
The percussive action of the bursting head is
similar to hammering a nail into a wall, where each impact pushes the nail
small distance further into a wall. In like manner a bursting head creates a
small facture with every stroke, and thus continuously breaks the old pipe.
The percussive action of the bursting head is
combined with tension from cable, which is inserted through old pipe &
attached to front end of bursting head. It keeps the bursting head pressed
against the existing pipe wall, pulls the new pipe behind the head.
Hydraulic expansion:
In this system the
bursting tool consist of 4 or more interlocking segments, hinged at ends &
middle. An axially mounted hydraulic piston drives the lateral expansion &
contraction of the head. The expansion of the head leads to lateral breaking of
pipe. And as tool advances, after contraction, new pipe is replaced connected
at the rear end.
Static pull:
In this system, the tensile pull given to the bursting tool is converted to a
radial force due to cone shape, is the main force for breaking of pipe. This
can be performed by two ways viz.- by rod assembly & by winch cable
assembly. Rod assembly method proceeds in consecutive sequences since rod
reached in reception pit have to be removed whereas winch cable is continuous
Design consideration
Parameters listed below
will prove to be guidelines for selection of replacement pipe, bursting length,
bursting system etc
Ground condition:
Readily compactable which limit outward
ground displacements to a zone closer to pipe alignment.
Relatively stiff which allows the expanded hole to
remain open while the new pipe is being installed. It also results in lower
drag and reduced tensile stress on pipe while replacement.
In ground condition such as sand & crawfish
type soil below the GWT may result in change in invert position if pneumatic
system is used, which can be eliminated by static pipe system.
In densely compacted soil, backfills, dilatants
soil, expansive soil &collapsible soil are less favorable condition because
they increase the pulling force & zone of influence of ground movement.
If hard rock present close to pipe, the bursting
head will tend to displace towards softer soil.
Variation in properties along the length leads to
change in grade &/or alignment.
Groundwater (g.w.)
Bursting in saturated
soil can cause the water pressure to rise around the bursting head, unless soil
has permeability to allow water pressure to dissipate quickly. In some cases,
g.w. can have buoyant & lubricative effect on bursting operation. If g.w.
is removed in large degree densification of soil surrounding the existing pipe
can result in increase of bursting forces.
Host pipe:
The material of pipe to
be bursted effects significantly as pulling force greatly depends on it. The
pipe of materials such as clay, plain concrete, cast iron, asbestos cement is
good while of steel are troublesome for operation.
It is considered that 8 inch pipe is easier to
burst than a 4inch one. An upsizing of replacement pipe up to 30% is generally
The depth of the host pipe affects the expansion of
surrounding soil. Insertion & reception pits grow larger & more complex
as the depth increases. Change in grade or bends should be given due
Utilities that interfere
with bursting should be located & exposed prior to burst. Generally,
underground utilities in moderate conditions are unlikely to be damaged by
vibrations at distances greater than 2.5 feet from bursting head and at
distances greater than 2-3 times dia. from the pipe alignment.
Replacement pipe:
HDPE & MDPE are the
most common pipe materials having the properties continuity, flexibility & versatility.
It is experienced that long term loading governs the selection of pipe wall
thickness for non-pressure pipe, rather than pull strength. An additional 10%
of thickness requirement can be allowed for sacrificial scarring. Other
materials used in pipe bursting are cast iron, vitrified clay. It is preferable
that all pipe joints are designed for trenchless installation i.e. to have a
nominally flush exterior profile.
Number of pits &
length of bursting:
Location of insertion
pits should be such that their no. is minimized & length of bursting
maximized. The size of existing pipe & the upsizing percentage has an
effect on the safe length of bursting. In sewer replacement jobs, the burst
length is usually from manhole to manhole.
Effect on nearby
This is of vital
importance. Laboratory studies, field studies, analytical & simulation
techniques have been used to predict the soil displacements along the pipe
adjacent to the pipe being burst. Local excavations made to relieve induced
Preliminary work: In this stage of work,
Inspection of the line to be replaced is done& then cleaning of that line
takes place.
Service excavation: The services are usually
excavated prior to bursting to provide temporary bypass service & to
protect the services during the bursting operation.
Preparation of insertion
&reception pit:
For sewer application
insertion & reception pits are usually excavated in front of manhole or
manholes are removed and replaced. For replacement of gas & waterlines,
service pits can be expanded & used. All pits should be prepared &
shored in an approved manner. The insertion pit must be large enough to allow
the pipe to be inserted.
Replacement pipe
When a replacement pipe
is of polyethylene, it is delivered on to the site in segments& butt-fused
into a continuous pipe on site trained personnel are employed for butt fusion
following the recommended method. Quality control can be achieved by
controlling the length of heating, fusing & cooling time as well as
temperature & pressure of each joint. The replacement pipe should not be
dragged over the ground surface; instead the pipe should be moved over roller
or slings for insertion & transportation. The pipe ends should also be
capped to prevent entry of foreign matters for water or gas piping.
The winch is placed into
an reception pit, and the cable pulled through the pipe and attached to the
front of the bursting unit in an insertion pit the winch, cable & cable
drum mist be provided with safety cage and supports so that it may be operated
safely without injury to persons to a party. For all static rod 7 cable pull
machine, the machine should be properly braced to resist the horizontal force
necessary for the bursting operation.
Bursting operation:
When the winch cable
connected to front of the bursting tool is pulled the tool advances through a
bursting length; cracks & fractures the pipe then new pipe attached at the
rear of the tool advances with it & get replaced in the position of old
Reconnection of services
& annular space sealing:
There should be at least
4 hours relaxation period for pipe after installation. After this time the
annular is sealed. Smooth & watertight sealing is extended a minimum of 8
inches into a manhole wall. Service connections are reconnected to the new pipe
by saddles made of the material compatible with that of pipe. These connections
should be installed in accordance with manufacturers recommended procedure.
Manhole preparation:
Entry & exit holes
from manhole must be enlarge to accept the new pipe as required. The sewer
manhole may need modification to allow tool passage.
Troubleshooting in pipe
bursting jobs:
Sometimes bursting head
gets stuck at an unexpected obstruction in or around the pipe e.g. steel repair
clamps on water pipes.
Effect on surrounding
displacements: The soil displacement expands from the source
through the soil in the direction of the least soil resistance. They are a
function of both time & space. The ground displacement depend primarily on
degree of upsizing
type &compaction level of the existing soil
around the pipe
depth of bursting
In the relatively
homogeneous soil with no close rigid boundaries, the displacements are likely
to be directed upwards at smaller depths (A), while at increased depth they are
expected to have more uniform direction (B). As backfill material in a trench is
often weaker than the original surrounding soil & hence the displacement is
restricted to trench only (C). If the existing trench or pipe bedding is weak
the pipe may move downward instead of upward (D). The ground movements
generally tend to spread symmetrically around the vertical access through the
existing pipe. But proximity of a rigid boundary may break the vertical
symmetry & shift the surface heave to the side (E). If pipe is upsized in a
loose soil that will be compacted by ground vibration. The diameter increase is
compensated by soil compaction within a short distance of the pipe &
outside of that zone settlement may occur (F).
Positioning of replacement pipe: The bursting head has a typically a larger
diameter than the replacement pipe, a cavity is created in the soil, which
allows the replacement pipe to take different position within the cavity,
depending on longitudinal bending of the pipe & localized ground movement.
The position of new pipe generally depends on the
soil characteristics, site conditions & installation procedure. If the soil
displacements are directed primarily upwards, the new pipe has its centerline
higher than the original pipe, but matches inverts elevation (A, C). If soil
expansion is more uniform in all directions, the new pipe matches the
centerline of existing pipe (B). When ground movements are directed primarily
downwards, the new pipe matches the crown of existing pipe, but invert is at
lower elevation (D). If ground movements are asymmetrical, new pipe may move
laterally (E).
If the existing pipe has depth variation along
length, may create grade problem for pipes replaced.
Disposition of pipe fragments:
The test carried out at TTC test site shows that
the pipe fragments generally tend to- 1. Settle at the sides & bottom of
new pipe in sandy backfill or 2. All around the perimeter of new pipe in clay
or silt backfill. The fragments tend to locate somewhat away from the
replacement pipe, with a typical separation of up to ¼ inch. Orientation of
pipe fragment is important when the risk of new pipe perforation is to be
estimated. After study it is found that, the small pipe fragments with a
20-degree tip, & oriented at 90 degrees to the top of pipe are more risky.
Ground vibration:
All pipe bursting operation create to some extent
vibrations of soil particles in the ground. The study showed that none of the
pipe bursting technique is likely to damage nearby utilities if they are at a
distance of few feets from bursting head. The vibration levels due to bursting
depend on the power applied through the bursting process, & therefore on
the size & type of the existing pipe, & degree of upsizing
Effect on nearby utilities:
Ground movements during
the pipe bursting operations may damage nearby pipes. From safety point of view
both horizontal & vertical distance between the pipe to be burst & the
existing adjacent pipe should be at least 2 times diameter of replacement pipe.
Stress in replacement pipe:
Pulling force applied to
pipe behind the bursting head produces axial stress in new pipe, which has to
be withstanding without failure or damage. If soil dose not immediately
collapse around the replacement pipe, the axial stress developed in the pipe is
due to friction created by weight of the pipe, otherwise additionally due to
friction offered by soil. The stress in replacement pipe can be lowered with
the use of lubrication mud, which both delays the collapse of soil around the
replacement pipe & reduces the pipe-soil friction coefficient.
Advantages over open cut
Pipe bursting is much faster than open cut.
Pipe bursting proves to be more efficient.
It is experienced that pipe bursting is often
cheaper than open cut.
It is environment friendly.
It is less disruptive to surface features than open
Ductile iron & steel pipes are not suitable for
pipe bursting. (pipe splitting is used.)
Pipe bursting is not effective in expansive soil.
Close proximity of other service lines may create
Point repairs, if any, create problem, because it
reinforces the existing pipe with ductile material.
Pipe collapsed at a section create obstruction to
pipe bursting process.
Economic feasibility
The cost advantage is
especially notable in sewer line replacement, where an enhanced depth of line
increases the cost of open cut replacement through extra excavation, shoring,
dewatering, etc., while has minimal effect on cost of pipe bursting. Additional
advantages of pipe bursting over the open cut replacement are indirect cost
savings, due to-
Less traffic disturbance
Shorter time for replacement
Less business interruption
Less environmental disturbance.
Cost comparison