Civil Engineering Web Directory: General/Basics

Please see the following for Civil Engineering Web Directory: General/Basics

ASEE EngineeringK12 Center
A guide for high school students and others interested in engineering and engineering technology careers.

Civil Engineer Job Guide
Job description of civil engineers and civil engineering related positions.

Civil Engineers
The nature of the work, employment, job outlook and earnings.

Discover Engineering
Learn about what is civil engineering and what miracle a civil engineer can create.

The Engineering Specific Career Advisory Problem-Solving Environment from Purdue University containing information about salary, trends of industry.

The Online magazine is a publication of the University of Limerick. It is aimed at 5th and 6th year students in Irish schools and their teachers. Each issue contains articles by scientists and engineers from UL and elsewhere describing interesting aspects

Engineering Problem Solving
Dartmouth Project for Teaching Engineering Problem Solving.

Engineering Successes and Failures
Some engineering successes and failures from the Pyramids of Egypt in BC 2800 to modern times.

Global Engineering
A project allowing allow high school students from different geographical areas to cooperatively work on designing a bridge.

Greatest Engineering Achievements of the 20th Century
Includes water supply and distribution, and highways.

Junior Engineering Technical Socciety (JETS)
A student resource to understanding what engineering is and how to prepare for an engineering career. Includes civil engineering information

Introduction to the Dynamics of Pile Testing
Traditionally, static analysis, probe piles, dynamic formulae, and static testing are used to verify pile foundations- With computers and modern electronic measurements, improved techniques for analysis and construction control are now available to obtain a safe and economical solution.

Profession of Civil Engineers
Description of civil engineers from 1998 - 99 Occupational Outlook Handbook.

Riding the Technology Wave
Information technology has undergone sweeping transformations, from hardware to software. Here's how engineering offices are changing with the tides.

Seven Modern Wonders
Channel Tunnel, CN Tower, Emire State Building, Golden Gate Bridge, Itainu Dam, Netherlands North Sea Protection Works and Panama Canal.

Top Civil Engineering Schools
The Ranking of civil engineering graduate schools by US News and World Report.