Civil Engineering Web Directory: General/Computing

This summary of web directory for Computing in Civil Engineering. I will post more soon.

AEC Software Library
The site features a comprehensive searchable library of software in Architecture, Engineering and Construction.

Boundary Element Resources Network
Book, Computer code, conference and journals on boundary element method.

Engineering Software Center
Most of software programs listed on the site are in the area of civil engineering., Free Online Applications for Engineering Design
Interactive online engineering applications to assist you in designing, constructing, and maintaining your facility.

GuideMe: Civil Engineering Software
A list of links to the repositories of civil engineering software.

Introduction to Computer Methods
Lecture notes for civil engineering students.

Numerical Analysis Digest
Collections of newsgroup messages since 1994.

Parallel Supercomputer Simulation
Links to educational resources of supercomputer simulation.

Representative Numerical Simulations
Pictures showing problems solved.
Catalog the sites related to several scientific and engineering software.