Segregation is the separation of the different materials of concrete. A good concrete is one which is homogeneous in nature.If a sample of concrete exhibits a tendency for separation of say, coarse aggregate from the rest of the ingredients, then, that sample is said to be showing the tendency for segregation. Such concrete is not only going to be weak; lack of homogeneity is also going to induce all undesirable properties in the hardened concrete.

There are considerable differences in the sizes and specific gravities of the constituent ingredients of concrete. Therefore, it is natural that the materials show a tendency to fall apart. 

Segregation may be of three types — firstly, the coarse aggregate separating out or settling down from the rest of the matrix, secondly, the paste or matrix separating away from coarse aggregate and thirdly, water separating out from the rest of the material being a material of lowest specific gravity. A well made concrete, taking into consideration various parameters such as grading, size, shape and surface texture of aggregate with optimum quantity of waters makes a cohesive mix. Such concrete will not exhibit any tendency for segregation. The cohesive and fatty characteristics of matrix do not allow the aggregate to fall apart, at the same time, the matrix itself is sufficiently contained by the aggregate. Similarly, water also does not find it easy to move out freely from the rest of the ingredients. 

The conditions favourable for segregation are, as can be seen from the above para, the badly proportioned mix where sufficient matrix is not there to bind and contain the aggregates. Insufficiently mixed concrete with excess water content shows a higher tendency for segregation. Dropping of concrete from heights as in the case of placing concrete in column concreting will result in segregation. When concrete is discharged from a badly designed mixer, or from a mixer with worn out blades, concrete shows a tendency for segregation. Conveyance of concrete by conveyor belts, wheel barrow, long distance haul by dumper, long lift by skip and hoist are the other situations promoting segregation of concrete. 

The most important method of concrete compaction is Vibration. Only comparatively dry mix should be vibrated. When a too wet a mix is excessively vibrated, it is likely to get segregated. Vibration also to be continued just for required time for optimum results. If the vibration is continued for a long time, particularly, in too wet a mix, it is likely to result in segregation of concrete due to settlement of coarse aggregate in matrix. 

Concrete is used with very high slump now a days particularly in RMC. The slump value required at the batching point may be in the order of 150 mm and at the pumping point the slump may be around 100 mm. At both these points cubes are cast. One has to take care to compact the cube mould with these high slump concrete. If sufficient care and understanding of concrete is not exercised, the concrete in the cube mould may get segregated and show low strength. Similarly care must be taken in the compaction of such concrete in actual structures to avoid segregation.

In case of floors or pavement finishing, with a view to achieve a smooth surface, masons work too much with the trowel, float or tamping rule immediately on placing concrete. This immediate working on the concrete on placing, without any time interval, is likely to press the coarse aggregate down, which results in the movement of excess of matrix or paste to the surface. Segragation caused on this account, impairs the homogeneity and serviceability of concrete. The excess mortar at the top causes plastic shrinkage cracks

So it can be concluded that the tendency for segregation can be remedied by correctly proportioning the mix, by proper handling, transporting, placing, compacting and finishing. If segregation is observed, it is advisable to remixing for a short time which would make the concrete again homogeneous. As mentioned earlier, a cohesive mix would reduce the tendency for segregation. For this reason, use of certain workability agents and pozzolanic materials greatly help in reducing segregation. The use of air-entraining agent appreciably reduces segregation. 

Segregation is difficult to measure quantitatively, but it can be easily observed at the time of concreting operation. The pattern of subsidence of concrete in slump test or the pattern of spread in the flow test gives a fair idea of the quality of concrete with respect to segregation.