Objective of Mini Project

Study of Multistoried Building Construction

After completion of Mini Project Period, student should able to answer the following:

1.       List out Items of work with unit of measurement?
2.       List of materials used in Building Construction?
3.       List of Equipment and Machinery used in Building Construction?
4.       Identify Physical Properties of Material
a.       Cement
b.      Sand
c.       Coarse Aggregate
d.      Brick
e.      Steel
5.       Find strength of Material
a.       Cement
b.      Brick
c.       Concrete
d.      Steel
6.       List out common mix proportions used for various items of work?
a.       PCC
b.      Brickwork
c.       Plinth Beams
d.      Columns
e.      Roof Beams
f.        Roof Slab
g.       Staircase & Lift
7.       Explain Nominal Mix vs Design Mix?
8.       List of Labor Component for various items of work?
9.       List of Material Requirement Coefficients for various items of work?
10.   Explain about SSR?
11.   Explain about Standard Data?
12.   List out precautions to be taken during centering / formwork?
13.   List out quality measures to be taken during work?
a.       Concreting
b.      Brickwork
c.       Plastering
14.   What is the importance of Workability?
15.   Formwork Removal?
a.       Columns
b.      Slabs
c.       Roof Beams
16.   Explain various compaction methods of Concrete work?
a.       Column
b.      Beams
c.       Slab
17.   Explain Batching and its importance?
18.   Effect of Bulking of Sand?
19.   Explain Importance of Curing and Minimum Curing period for
a.       Brickwork
b.      RCC
c.       Plastering
20.   Explain the importance of Level Instrument?
21.   Explain the importance of Plumb bob?
22.   Explain Bar Bending Schedule?
23.   Check for minimum and maximum spacing of steel bars?
24.   List out minimum Clear Cover required for?
a.       PCC
b.      Beams
c.       Columns
d.      Slab
25.   Check Overlap length and Position of Steel Reinforcement?
a.       Compression Steel
b.      Tensile Steel
26.   Measurement of work?
a.       Earthwork
b.      PCC
c.       Concrete
d.      Brickwork
e.      Plastering
27.   Conversion of measurements and quantities?
28.   Formats of Estimation
a.       Detailed Estimate
b.      Abstract Estimate
29.   Unit weight of Steel of various diameters?