Q & A for civil engg. student

State the necessity of specifications to the contractor.


It helps the contractor in giving the necessary quotation of work.

It specifies the nature of job, materials to be used in the work, workmanship, etc.

It helps the contractor in the execution of the work.

It is an important content document.

The specifications will be helpful for solving dispute between the contractor and the owner.

Draft the specification for cement to be used for RCC work.


Cement shall be fresh Portland cement of ISI specifications, and shall have required tensile and compressive stresses and fineness. Unless otherwise specified ordinary Portland cement conforming to 15 – 269 – 1975 shall be used.

Mention any two methods of approximate estimate of a building. Give the steps of approximate estimate for hospital building.


Method of approximate method of buildings.

Permit basis.

Plinth area basis.

Approximate estimate for hospital building –

Cost of land.

Cost of building (Wards)

Cost of cubical of doctors

Cost of operation theatre, emergency ward, etc.

Cost of roads

Cost of water supply

Cost of sanitary works

Cost of electrification

Contingencies @ 5% to 10%

Mention four purpose of approximate estimate and state how you will prepare approximate estimate of a bridge project.


Purpose of approximate estimate –

To make preliminary studies of various aspects of the work.

To decide the financial position and policy for administrative sanction by the competent administrative authority.

To assess the revenue in case of commercial projects.

To consider the necessity, utility, availability of money of non-commercial projects.

Approximate estimate of a bridge :

Per running metre (running feet) of span depending upon the road way, nature and depth of foundation, type of structure, etc.

Approximate costing a bridge of 3 spans of 50 metres each span @ 10,000 /- per running metre of span comes to 3 x 50 x 10,000 = Rs. 15 lakhs.