Some useful Q & A for civil engg.. students

Mention one example of each of the following

Provisional item

Prime cost item

Lump sum item

Extra item


Example of provisional item

One refrigerating machine including freight and carriage to site and fitting in position with all electrical connections, holes in the walls etc.

Example of prime cost item

Mosaic tiles for dado as approved by the Engg.-in-charge including carriage to site.

Example Lump Sum item

Decoration work of a building.

Example of Extra item

The measurement of brick face work. or The measurement of gutter and pipe fitting.

Mention two purpose of providing amount of –


Work-charged establishment in the estimate



The term ‘Contingencies’ indicates the incidental expenses of miscellaneous character which cannot be classified under any item or sub-head, yet pertain to the work as a whole.

In an estimate a certain amount in the form of contingencies of 3% to 5% of the estimated cost is provided to allow for the expenses for miscellaneous petty items which is not fall under any sub-head or items of work. Miscellaneous incidental expenses which cannot be classified under any sub head or item are met from the amount provided under contingencies.

If there is any saving against the amount provided under contingencies, this amount may be utilized with the sanction of the competent authority, to meet the expenses of extra items of work if any, unforeseen expenditure, expenses to minor charges to design etc.

Work-charged establishment in the estimate

Work-charged establishment is the establishment which is charged to work directly. During the construction of a building or a project, a certain number of work-supervisers, chawkidars (watchman), mates, munshies (clark) etc. are required to be employed and their salaries are paid from the amount of work-charged establishment provided in the estimate. For work-charged establishment a percentage of 1 ½% to 2% of the estimated cost is included in the estimate. The work-charged employees are temporary staff and their appointment shall have to be sanctioned by the competent authority for a specific period. Their services are terminated at the expiry of the sanctioned period, but usually our month notice is given.

Mention the methods of taking out quantities, used in PWD which is the commonly used? And why?


Methods of taking out quantities-

There are three methods of taking out quantities

Centre line method

Separate or individual wall method

Crossing method

Out of the three, separate or individual wall method is commonly used.

This method gives accurate results irrespective of variable sections of walls.

State the units of measurements of the following


Valley gutters

State the two rules for deduction from plasterwork


Units of measurements for

Skirting – Running metre

Valley Gutters – Sq.m.

Rule for deduction from plasterwork –

No. deduction is made for ends of beams posts, rafters etc.

For small openings up 0.5 Sq.m (5 Sq.ft) no deduction is made and at the same time no additions are made for jambs, soffits and sills of the openings.