Cement's Initial Setting time should be 30 mcin(Minimum) and 90 min (maximum)

Final Setting time of cement should be=10 Hours

Types of test performed for a road's improved sub grade sand filling: 

Fines modules (FM) of Fine aggregates

California bearing ratio (CBR)

Dynamic Cone Penetration test

MDD of fine aggregate

Field Dry Density

Types of test Performed for earth filling in Embankment with specified soil:

Plasticity index

Types of test Performed for Concrete Work:

Setting time of cement

Compressive strength of cement

Gradation of coarse Aggregates

FM of Fine Aggreagtes

Water Absorption of Coarse aggregates

Loss angles abrasion test

Concrete cylinder casting & testing

Types of test performed for M.S High strength deform bar:

Tensile Strength ,Elongation and unit weight

Types of test performed for Brick Works:

Setting time of cement

Compressive strength of cement

FM of fine aggregates

Compressive strength of brick

Water absorption of brick

Efflorescence of brick

Local Sand FM Limit should be 0.5 to 0.8

Toak Sand FM Limit sould be 1.2 to 1.8

Coarse sand or shylhet sand FM Should be 2.5

At Improved Sub grade 0.5 to 0.8 FM Sand should be used.
MS Flat Bar Weight determine equation=0.00785A

Brick require for 1 square meter one brick flat soling=32 nos

Brick require for 1 square meter one layer herring bone soling-52 nos.

Cement require for 9.3 square meter neat cement finishing=1/2 bag or 25 Kg

A head mason can work 25-30 cum brick work in a day.

# Lintel thickness Should be 15cm

#Parapet wall height should be 1 meter

# Window height should be 120cm

#D.P.C thickness should be 2.5 cm

# Plinth Height Should be 45cm

#Measurement of riser should be 15cm

#Building height should be 315cm

# Plaster Thickness at ceiling should be 6mm

$ 1 Cum Cement =30 Bags

$ 1 Cum Khoa    = 300 No's of Bricks

$ 1 Bag of cement =0.0347 cum cement  (50/1440=0.0347 cum)

$ Volume of per Bag cement=1.25 Cubic feet

$ Weight of Per Bag cement =50 Kg or 112 pb

$ Water absorption of brick ,If the brick take rest for 24 hours in under neath the water is 1/5 or 1/6 of the brick Weight

$ Measurement of brick=9.5 inches * 4.5 inches * 2.75 Inches(without mortar) and 10 inches*5 inches *3 inches (with mortar)

Weight of First class brick=3.85 Kg

Crushing strength of first class brick in per square not less than 1000 Pound

Tensile strength of first class brick in per square not less than 3000 Pound

#Brick Work the joint thickness b/w two bricks should be=12 mm

#Lapping Measurement at compression Zone Should be=24 D (Without hook)

#Lapping Measurement at Tensile Zone Should be=40 D (Excluding hook)

# One hook length should be=9D

# For Crank Extra length measurement should be=0.50d

# Stirrup length measurement equation=2(A+B)+30 cm

# Weight of step of a staircase =11.5 r (r=rise in cm)

# MS Plate weight determine equation=7.85 t

# The Brick should be take rest underneath the water at 2 hours before using.