Use of machineries in building construction helps achieve better quality, better speed and  reduction in manual labour.

The machineries required at various stages of work, an differ with every project .The engineer At the site should have through knowledge of the utility value of the machineries their working and how to maintain them.

In this chapter, we shall study the role of engineer and his knowledge in maintaining machineries.


·         Maintenance of machineries is very important for the smooth working of a project.

·         Project scheduling and bar charts may not yield results. if the machineries fail.

·         The related human recourses are kept idle, due to machinery failure.

·         This results in wastage of time and money

·         It is a must for every engineer on site to observe the perfect maintenance of each machine.

Careless handling of delicate machines often leads to un predicted stoppages in the work progress .idle labour and increase in the cost of construction.



·         Concrete mixers
·         Concrete needle vibrator
·         Vibrating tables
·         Screed vibrators/surface vibrator
·         Lift and hoists
·         Trolleys
·         Pulleys
·         Weigh batchers
·         Weigh balance
·         Dumpers
·         Half bag concrete mixer
·         Concrete buckets
·         Concrete pumps
·         Tile polishing machines
·         Concrete pilling system
·         props/spans
·         Water pumps
·         Diesel engine, de-watering pumps
·         Electric motors
·         Block making machines, block pallets
·         cube moulds
·         Slump cone apparatus
·         Schmidt hammer
·         surveying instruments ;dumpy level, theodolite, plane table
·         sieve sets
·         sand screening machine
·         Sand washing machine
·         Drilling machine
·         Lawn movers
·         Bore well, hand pump
·         water pressure pump
·         road roller
·         excavator
·         Bulldozer
·         bitumen mixing plant
·         Premix concreting machine
·         rock cutting compressor


·         Systems and formalities to be carried out for well maintained records and machines are given below.


·         Each machine received at site will have a separate card for its record called the pump/machine card.
·         Each card will carry the initial history of the machine  e.g., type, make, manufacturing company, date of purchase, suppliers name etc
·         Details of repair done earlier, approximate expenses etc. are mentioned in this card.
·         The store keeper should maintain the card for every machine.
·         Maintenance department should check these cards weekly/fortnightly, for updating their performance.
·         Repair bills can be released only after checking the pump/machine card.
·         The pump/machine card is to be kept in a plastic folder, as  it has a long term use.
·         Transfer of machine from one site to another must be recorded in the pump/machine card from time to time.
·          The machine shall be transferred from one site to another, along with the pump/machine card .


·         This report should be prepared by storekeeper, every month.
·         This report contains the detailed entries of all machines /pumps available on site.
·         Working/non working condition of the machine should be noted.
·         The site engineer is responsible for keeping all machines in working condition.,at all times.
·         If any machine is not working,then the report must mention the approximate cost of repairs along with the quotation for approval from the higher authorities.
·         If any machinery/pump is in scrap condition,mention the same in the reports,to allow for its disposal.


·         Every machine requires periodical servicing
·         Servicing period should be fixed and should be mentioned on the pump /machine card.
·         A skilled mechanic or a professional agency should be appointed for regular servicing of the machines on site
·         Payment of the servicing agency should be done through the maintenance department,with necessary N.O.C from the site.
·         Minor purchases required for periodical maintenance like diesel,oil,nuts,bolts,screws, motor belt,canvas,washers etc,should be directly purchased from site.
·         For major expenses prior consent of the higher authorities should be secured


·     Some machines may require major repairs.

·     Check the machine for the guarantee period.

·     If the machine is in guarantee period,inform the purchase department of the details,along with the repairs required.

·     Suppliers will visit and sort out the problem free of cost.

·  If the guarantee period is over, arrange for repairs preferably through the supplier in consultation with the maintenance department .get the estimate sanctioned from the higher authorities with detail report about the cost of the parts to be replaced and  labor charges for repairing.

·    Works order to the mechanic agency can be given for repair work through maintenance department.

·   This procedure should be completed in the responsibility of the project engineer to ensure that all the machines/equipment allot for a project,remain in good working condition.


·         The site staff should take ensure that the machines are being used to proper manner.

·         If the machine is given to a contractor or transferred to other sites ,the store keeper must check the condition of the machine before accepting it back.

·         Check if the fuel/oil arrangement is correct,before putting the machine into operation keep them in a shaded area to avoid direct sunlight.

·         Covering the machine will also help to avoid handling by the laborer children at sight.


·         The site in-charge should ask for the permission of the engineer before transferring any machinery from one sight to another.

·         Transfer of machine should be done through I.O.C received from head office.

·         The maintenance department should be informed of the transfer of machines.



·         The mixer should be placed on firm and leveled platform.

·         The drum and blades must be kept cleaned thoroughly at the end of concreting operations.

·         The drum must be kept in a tilted position or kept covered when not in use to prevent rain water from collecting in it.

·         The skip must rest on a proper cushion,such as sand bags,types of vehicle etc.
·         Periodical servicing by a trained mechanic,at the site is a must.

·         During servicing, check all the nuts, bolts, greasing and oiling of wheels, setting the rope, tuning of engine, smooth working check for all motor parts,cleaning of drum,skip and other external parts,checking  water tightness of the cooling tank etc.

·         Check the fuel requirements when the machine is not frequently used.

·         The engine portion should always be locked,when not in use.

·         Keep in shade or covered when not in use.

·         Clean the rust and paint the machine once in six months.

·         any damages to the skip of the drum should be rectified immediately.


·         Vibrators,along with the accessories,should be kept in the material yard store which can be locked

·         the needle should be stored in a separately, to avoid the storage of other heavy materials on it.

·         The flexible pipe should not be tightened too hard and should be rounded to a smooth diameter.

·         Periodical testing and servicing should include oiling,keeping a leveling uniform of petrol,tightening the fuel cap,checking bearing of the needle,cleaning of spark plug etc.,

·         Exercising precautions during operation also helps in incresing the working life of a vibrator.

Following precautions must be taken

·         Check quantity of the petrol before operation.

·         Use the needle vertically straight or at a slight inclination.

·         Force applied on the needle should not be exceed its own weight.

·         The needle pipe should be held in the hand before starting.

·         The vibrating head should not  come into contact with hard objects like hardened concrete,steel and wood ,because impact may damage the bearings of the vibrator

·         All necessary maintenance and servicing should be carried out by a trained mechanic


·         Lift is a costly machine. it is used continuously for approx.8 to 10 hours during mass concrete operation. necessary precautions will keep the machine operating smoothly during continuous work.

·         All scaffolding and bracing should be tied in properly.lift rails should be strong,smooth running,and of sufficient length.

·         Setting of the vertical rail should be in plumb. to avoid eccentric loading of the total system.

·         All joints should be nut-bolted and checked for tightness.

·         Vertical movement of wheels of the trolley should be perpendicular to the rail.

·         A sufficient amount of fuel should be mentioned precaution,general maintenance will include the following.

·         Checking of all nuts and bolts against of wear and tear and immediate replacement of worn out parts.

·         Oiling and greasing of wheels and all motor parts.

·         Check the rope for wear and tear.

·         Checking the movement of handle in the engine slot,which should be easy and smooth.

·         Maintaining proper wheel level of engine.

·         Proper locking arrangements to engine parts,pulleys and locking nuts and bolts.

·         Necessary cleaning of rusted parts and painting once every six months.

·         All necessary servicing and repair work should be carried out by trained mechanics.


·         the pump should be kept on a leveled and solid platform during working as well as idle condition.

·         Check the smooth movement of starting handle

·         fill sufficient fuel before starting the pump maintain a register of fuel consumption against the actual working hours to find out if the consumption is more and in which case,carryout necessary repairs

·         periodical servicing and checking should be done as follows-

·         oiling and greasing of all mortar parts

·         tuning of engine

·         proper piston operations.

·         Valves and valve spring operations

·         water tightness of suction and delivery joints

·         cleaning of floor valve y changing gasket washer and operating valve plate
·         cleaning of fuel pipe

·         servicing and actual running of pump should be done by a trained mechanic.

·         Priming is necessary to avoid dry running of the pumps.

·         The machine should be periodically tested for running even during idle condition.


·         All the precautions mentioned under vibrator should be referred to,for any petrol engine maintenance.

·         Vibrating beam should be cleaned immediately after the concreting operation is over.

·         Needle fixing hole should be cleaned properly.

·         Vibrating beam should be checked periodically for its straightness and smoothness of its surface. there should not be any dents or cracks.

·         Periodical cleaning and maintenance of connecting shaft,spring etc. shoud be done promptly

·         store in a covered and locked condition.

·         All maintenance and servicing should be carried out by a trained mechanic.


·         The pump should be fixed using foundation bolts and it should not vibrate during working.

·         The motor should be covered properly to avoid contact with water. Entry of water inside the motor will burn the internal winding.

·         A qualified electrician should check all the electric wire connections, starters fuses etc. It is observed that sometimes open copper wire gets oxidized. It should be replaced immediately.

·         Motor/starter box should be fixed in water-tight box.

·         Voltage fluctuation should be checked during running of motor.

·         Availability of current from all phases must be even. If one phase discontinues, the motor should be switched off.

·         Periodic servicing and testing of the motor should be done check  wearing of gland ropes. all suction and delivery joints should be checked to ensure that they are watertight.

·         Check if the foot valve function properly.

·         Every month the mechanic must check the running of all electric motors.


·         The block making machine should be kept below the parking or in shade,with all four legs firmly bolted on a leveled ground.

·         Check for wear and tear of welding joints. also check for any variations in the size of the mould,due to continuous and smooth lifting action.

·         Central partition inside the mould should be checked for any bends,cracks,dents ect.,it results in weaker blocks.

·         For electricity operated machines,follow the precautions mentioned under electric motors .since the motor is attached to the machine. it should be cleaned carefully,to prevent cement and dust particles from settling inside and jamming the moving parts.


·         They are used in block preparation work. so check them for any bends,cracks,difference in sizes etc.

·         Bent and damaged block pallets should be replaced immediately.

·         When not in use,block pallets should be collected and stored in the material yard after cleaning,oiling etc,and should be kept under lock and key.


·         The maintenance of cube moulds is important because a wrongly moulded or an inferior quality cube may give wrong results during concrete work

·         Each cube mould should have a proper code number marking on each side and the bottom plate as well. this will avoid mixing of one part of the cube with that of other cubes.

·         The cube moulds should be cleaned and oiled before casting the cube and after removing the cube

·         Handle carefully during transport and storage,rough handling may cause bends on the side walls.

·         The mould should be water-tight after fixing the nuts and bolts,check for any worn out bolts and replace them immediately.

·         Tamping rod should be of required diameter and length and should not have any bends in its length.


·         Clean properly after every test.

·         Handle and store with care,so that the cone shape does not get disrupted and the bottom level clamps,side handles etc.,will remain intact.

·         Clean and oil the internal surfaces of the mould regularly.

·         External surfaces should be painted periodically.

·         Tamping rod should be checked for its straightness and any wear and tear,to ensure the visibility of the scale marked on it.


·         It is delicate testing apparatus  and should be handled very carefully,always keep it in a box,provided for storing purposes.

·         It should not be used on any surface except concrete.

·         Handle the rebound hammer with care,any damage to the scale will lead to faculty results

·         Indicators standard graphs and all markings should always be visible.

·         Repair work for any damages should be carried out by a qualified person.


·         Dumpy level and theodolite is used for general surveying purpose. these instruments are delicate and costly. they must be handled carefully to ensure that the parts are not loosened or trained .the instruments if damaged .need costly repairs and cannot be restored to its original condition.

·         Handle and the use the instruments with care,as described below.

·    Note the correct positions of the various parts before removing the instruments from the box and before replacing it after work. close the lid carefully so as not to damage the instruments.

·         The instrument should not be lifted by the telescope-end the standard or supporting axis lift it by placing your hands under the leveling head.

·         The instrument should be firmly screwed to the tripod head .but do not over-tighten it,to avoid damaging the threading.

·         The instrument should never be left unguarded when it is leveled for working,when it is not in use replace it immediately in the box.

·         Carry the instruments over the shoulder/in the arms while shifting in during work. while transporting by vehicle,the  should be kept in someones custody.

·         Use a water-proof hood to protect the instrument from sun,dust or rain. the objective

should be protected by extending the dust cap or sun shade.

·         Fix the lens cap properly to avoid dusting allow the lens to dry if it gets wet. wipe off any dirt with piece of chamois leather or soft silk rag moistened with alcohol .the lens should not be rubbed. dust should be removed with a fine camel hair brush.

·         Do not touch the silver graduated circle as the silver tarnishes quickly .if it gets tarnished,remove the dust first with a hair brush .the tarnished portion should then be cleaned by applying refined watch oil.

·         Arrange for periodical servicing by an experienced servicing agency ,the site people should not be allowed  to do cleaning testing etc.,

·         the screws and other movable parts of the instruments should not be forced or tightened and always should be kept in a released condition.


·         Keep it in a vertical position with the leather belt tightened

·         While in use the tripod legs should be firmly pushed into the ground to make it more stable.

·         If the instrument has to be set up on a permanent or a smooth surface the tripod legs should be inserted in the joints of cracks.

·         The folding joints of legs should have a proper screwing arrangements. if the clamps are loose,then they should be replaced. avoid packing by wedges and hammering

·         it should be checked for bending,cracks etc

·         periodical wood polishing should be done.

·         Avoid mixing the tripods of two different instruments .proper code marketing should be done on the instruments as well as on the tripod.

·         The leg steel caps should always be kept clean from dust,mud etc. after use.


·         Always cover the staff by using a cotton or leather cover and keep it in a vertical position.

·         Check it for straightness,bending or any crack development,if any cracks are observed,then the staff should be replaced.

·         Do not,extend the staff to its full length,if not required,the central bram catch can loosen after a period of use. in this situation,repair it and never tighten it by inserting some wooden wedges.

·         Clean the staff after work, so that the scale marketing on the staff is visible.

·         Ensure that the base bran clips are never directly in touch with water. under unavoidable circumstances,cover it with a plastics wrapper before keeping it in water for taking levels of nalla bed etc.

·         handle it with care.


·         It should be used after proper levelling.

·         Zero mark or counter weight should be checked.

·         Calibration of the spring should be done regularly.

·         While working ensure that the weighing scale is not damaged.

·         After use ensure that no aggregate is left in the bucket.

·         Clean all the parts after use and cover the machine.

·         Handle properly.


·         Oil and fuel levels should be checked before starting the roller.

·         Tuning of the engine should be done periodically.

·         The wheels should be cleaned while working.

·         Damaged parts should be replaced immediately to avoid damage to other parts.

·         Do not run the road roller over loose,muddy soil

(17) EARTH RAMMER (Electric operated)

·         Check the rigidity of foundation plate because of vibrations.

·         Check the spring for vibration.

·         Check for any welding sports and nuts bolts if required repair immediately.

·         Check for the fuse wire of specified guage.

·         Check for proper electric wire(7/20) and proper connection in the circuit.

·         Avoid continious working to prevent over heating of the engine.


·         Check all the electrical connections before use.

·         Apply the machine in a horizontal direction.(At a perfect right angle to the surface)

·         Use smaller diameter bit first,then go on using higher diameter bits.

·         While using remove and insert the bit in the surface frequently.

·         Stand on a firm platform while drilling.

·         Clean the brushes periodically.

·         Do not allow any water to enter the machine,as it will damage the coil.


·         Check all the electrical connections before starting any work.

·         Do not allow the electric wire to lie on the ground/in water while working.

·         Ensure that the proper type of wire is used.

·         Do not use the machine on a dry floor.

·         Remove the polishing stones as soon as the work is over.

·         Servicing of the machine should be done periodically by skilled mechanic.

·         While curing,avoid water failing over the machine.

·         Cover the machine with a plastic paper,when not in use.


·         Check all the electrical connection.

·         Check the gauge of the wire.

·         Do not allow the wire to lie on the floor/in water.

·         Apply water continuously on the surface.while using the machine for cooling of blade.

·         Insert and remove the machine frequently to prevent over-heating.

·         Apply the machine straight to the surface.


·         Check that the pressure meter is working properly.

·         Calibration of the meter should be done frequently.

·         Cover the pump with a  plastic paper,when not in use.

·         Paint the water container in the pump periodically,to prevent rusting.

·         Check the threading of the inlet and outlet connections
·         oiling/greasing of the pump should be done frequently.


◦  Since construction machines are expensive .keeping them idle at the site is not advisable.

◦  Therefore,proper records,about the working condition of every machine,should be maintained at the site..These records should be reported to the maintenance department at least once a month,by all the sites,combined statement availability for every machine at each site should be submitted to the concerned higher authorities/chief engineer for proper utilization of each machine.


·         Pump/machine card should be maintained at the site after receipt of every new machine,

·         At the end of the month. The site in-charge should submit a monthly machinery report to the maintenance.

·         Detailed report of each machine,regarding,maintenance and repairs,can be analysed by maintenance department.

·         This report will help decide about performance of disposal of the machine.

·         This report will help decide about performance or disposal of machine

·         this analysis will also help while purchasing new machines.

·         All these monthly reports should be submitted to the chief engineer by the maintenance department.

·         The chief engineer should ensure that every machines is properly utilized on the site to achieve work progress as per the schedule/bar chart

·         The chief engineer will forward the report to the concerned direction with high lighted comments about the utilization of machines,performance report of the machines etc


                                                 PUMP/MACHINE CARD
                                                                                                               NO : ……………..
                                                                                                           DATE: ……………..
1.Type of machine : …………………………………………………………
2.Make of machine : ………………………………………………………..
3.Power in H.P        :  ……………………………………………………….
4.Manufacturing date:………………………………………………………
5.Purchased from     : ………………………………………………………
6.Cost of machine      : ……………………………………………………..
7.Date of purchase   : ………………………………………………………
8.guarantee period    :  …………………………………………………….
9.others                     :  ……………………………………………………..