Road Maintenance

After any road is constructed and opened for traffic, its pavement, shoulders sides etc. are subjected to wear and tear. Once the road is put to use, constant and proper upkeep of these road elements is required to be taken. The art of preserving and up keeping the road pavements, shoulder’s sides and other facilities provided on roads in the best possible condition to enable the traffic to move smoothly and safely is known as road maintenance or maintenance of roads.
The object is to provide safe and convenient movements of passengers and goods at all times.

The job pertaining to road maintenance

Maintenance of pavements, shoulders & sides.

Maintenance of drainage system.

Maintenance of bridges & other structures.

Maintenance of traffic control devices.

Maintenance of miscellaneous items such as railway crossings, boundary stones, kim stones etc.

Failures is flexible pavements

Sub-grade failure

Base course failure or basic failure.

Wearing course failure or surface failure.

Failures in rigid pavements

Sub-grade failure.

Slab failure

Classification of road maintenance jobs

Routine or periodic repairs

Special repairs


Maintenance of road drainage

Cleaning and repairs of drains

Repair of sub-surface drains

Cleaning and repairs of other elements of drainage structures such as man-holes, catch basins, storm sewer etc.

Maintenance of Bridges

Repairs to floors

Painting of exposed structural steel parts

Repairs to sub-structure.

Repairs of guard rails etc.

For Hilly Roads

Maintenance of drainage structures

Controlling of snow drifting

Snow clearance

Prevention of land slides

Maintenance of retaining walls and breast walls.

Maintenance of parapets

Maintenance of facilities and other services extended to road users.

Maintenance of plants and equipments.