This may be defined as that phase of engineering which deals with planning  & geometric design of roads and adjoining land. It also deals with the traffic problems which are necessary for the safe, convenient, rapid and economic transport of men and material from one place to another.

Road is meant for safe transport of traffic. The road is required to be designed which may ensure safe and free use. The traffic engineering includes the analysis of traffic characteristics, the planning of regulatory measures, the design and control application devices and the geometric design and functional planning of routes, terminals etc.

These are the results of collision of one highway user with the other highway user. The accidents cause damage to property serious injuries and at times deaths also.

Causes of Accidents
The traffic is not properly segregated.
Insufficient sight distance at corners and junctions.
Road junctions are not controlled by road signals.
Speed variations.
Insufficient wearing lengths.

Methods of Preventions of Accidents
Providing traffic signals for pedestrians.
Installation of pedestrian islands.
Proper street lighting.
Providing under and over bridges.
Efficient layout of crossings, junctions and corners.
Proper design of cross walks.
Proper cross section of roads.
Providing suitable super elevation and transition curves at all curves.
Providing non skid and uniform surface.
Traffic segregation.
Parking places.