Difference Between Determinate and Indeterminate Structures

S. No.Determinate StructuresIndeterminate Structures
1Conditions of Equilibrium are sufficient to determine the unknown forces and moments.Conditions of Equilibrium are not sufficient to determine the unknown forces and moments.
2Bending moment or shear force at any section is independent of the material property of the structure.Bending moment or shear force at any section depends upon the material property.
3The bending moment or shear force at any section is independent of the cross-section or moment of inertia.The bending moment or shear force at any section depends upon the cross-section or moment of inertia.
4Temperature variations do not cause stresses.Temperature variations cause stresses.
5No stresses are caused due to lack of fit.Stresses are caused due to lack of fit.
6Extra conditions like compatibility of displacements are not required to analyze the structure.Extra conditions like compatibility of displacements are required to analyze the structure along with the equilibrium equations.

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