Causes of Excessive Wastage

The main reasons for excessive materials wastage during usage can be attributed to one or more of the following:

1.     Excess quantity estimation.

2.     Shortage in delivery.

3.     Theft and pilferage.

4.     Breakages and damages during handling.

5.     Lack of pre-work preparation and coordination.

6.     Inferior quality of materials.

7.     Improper accounting and poor storekeeping.

8.     Negligent and careless attitude of the supervisor.

9.     Unforeseen circumstances like accidents, fire, etc.

10.High rate of deterioration due to long storage at the place of work.

11.Over-issues from the central stores and failures to return unused surplus materials.

Some of the preventive measures to minimize wastage include the use of proper handling and transportation of equipment, minimizing unnecessary shifting, setting up of proper and secure storage areas, correct accounting of materials, fire precautions, improvements in the process of construction, and the education and training of staff and workers to ensure productivity improvement.