Surface Preparation

  • Chipping of bulged concrete to bring it for one level.

  • Hacking and/or applying hack-aid over concrete surface.

  • Level gauge patches @ 1.5 M to 1.60 M interval (Horizontally & Vertically) To be checked with plumb bob, string tied diagonally vertically and right angle wherever applicable.(level patches should be for 1st coat only)

1st Coat Plaster :

  • Mortar for plaster should be mixed in mixer only. Measuring boxes (Farmas) should be used for measuring of sand.

  • Backing coat with aluminum level Patti with respect to level gauge patches.

  • Scratching or roughening the surface to get bonding with 2nd coat.

  •  Curing for 3 days.

2nd Coat With Water Proof Compound :

  •  To be done in line and level and sand faced with mortar spraying machine.

  • Curing for 7 days.

  •   To be checked with plumb bob and string tied diagonally.

  • Clear up to 1’-0” below P.L. including the area.

  •  Erecting Double Scaffolding / H frame Scaffolding.

  • Availability of Mixer Machine only.

  • Availability of mortar trays at respective floors.

  • Marble sill and/or sub frame for window should be fixed before plaster.

  •  Concrete coping completed on parapet walls.

  • Sleeve Opening should be made.

  • Groove / pattas (if any) detail obtained from Architect.

  • Slab closed from top in duct area as instructed.

  • Fungus and dirt cleared.

  • Masonry joints, if left over, to fill with cement mortar.

  • Joints between top layer of Masonry and beam.

  •  Bottom to fill with mortar and packed with aggregate.

  • To attend the imperfection on concrete surface.

  • Cement of proper grading available.

  • Screened and sand near mortar mixing place.

  • Chicken mesh to fix at junction of Masonry and RCC.

  • Wall moistened well in advance.(Tarai)

  •  Empty gunny bags to lay adjacent to plinth wall to collect fallen mortar.

  •  Plaster to start from parapet inside at 1’-0” above terrace level.

  • Window opening sealed (if tiling work etc. is done inside) with Plastic etc.