Control points for issue of material by engineer & by storekeeper

The contractor’s work should be carried out as per the instructions and planning of the Site Engineer. If it is observed that the Contractor is not working as specified, the issue of materials can be delayed or stopped. This decision should be taken for the following reasons:


If the contractor does not clean the previous day’s work properly.

If he delays curing or makes improper arrangement for curing.

If manpower for repairs of the faulty works is not arranged on priority basis.

If he diverts his laboures to some work other than specified, then the material issue can be stopped.


If the contractor is wasting the material.

If he does not return balance material or empty bags, electric focus, lighting wires etc.

If he does not stack the scrap steel in the godown properly.

If he does not return wooden planks, M.S. ghodies, scaffolding material after completion of the work.

If he does not cooperate in signing memo notes raised against his name.