General specification and Detailed specifications

General specification

In general specifications, nature and class of works names of materials and proportion that should be used in the various items of works are described. Only a brief description of each and every item is given. It is useful for estimating the project. Without going through the length detailed specifications, general information for the quantities of materials, nature and class work can be known from the general specification, but they do not form part of the contract document.

Detailed specifications

The detailed specifications form a part of the contract document. Detailed specification for a particular item specify the qualities, quantities and proportions of materials, and the method of preparation and execution for that particular item of work in a project. The detailed specifications of the different items of works are prepared separately and they describe what the works should be and how they shall be executed and constructed. Physical, chemical and electrical tests if any requires for the finished work to ensure the desired strength or quality are specified in the detailed specification. The type of machinery, equipments and special tools and plant their methods of operation when involved during execution are described in the detailed specification. The method and duration of protection of finished works as required are specified in the detailed specification. This also specify the involvements and responsibility for auxillary works, incidental damages etc. during execution of the original work. While writing the detailed specification the same order of sequence, as the work is to be carried out, is maintained. Engineering departments maintain detail specifications for different items of work those are follow to carry out works.