1.0 All work covered by these specifications has to be carried out as per specifications contained in the relevant Indian Standard Specifications and Code of Practice (both latest editions).  However, wherever specifications drawn up for this Contract specifically differ from those of the relevant ISS, then the Contract specifications take precedence over those of ISS.

Some of the relevant ISS are reproduced below:
13947  -           Circuit breakers.

3043    -           Earthing.

2705    -           Current transformers.

3427    -           Metal enclosed switchgear above 1000V but not exceeding 11KV.

4770    -           Rubber gloves for electric purposes.

5216    -           Guides for safety procedures & practice in electrical works.

9224    -           HRC fuses.

8623    -           Factory assembled switchboards.

8828    -           Miniature circuit breakers.

2834    -           Power capacitors.

2713    -           Steel tubular poles.

  732    -           Code of practice for electrical wiring installations.

2309    -           Code of practice for lightning protection.

SP30    -           National electrical code.

1554    -           Cables, PVC insulated.

7098    -           Cables, XLPE insulated.

  694    -           PVC insulated cables for working voltages up to & including 1100V.

  692    -           PILC insulated cables.

  375    -     Marking & arrangement for switchgear bus bars, main and auxiliary  wiring.

The following is a list of many of the things that need to be decided when you are in the planning stages of your new home.  Keep in mind this list is by no means complete.  It is intended to start you thinking about what you are going to want in your new house.


・         Landscape lighting

・         Yard light

・         Motion sensors

・         Recessed lighting above deck/porch

・         Ceiling fan above deck/porch

・         Wall Scones?

・         Outside receptacles?


・         Ceiling fans?  With or without lights?

・         Switched receptacles?

・         TV, telephone or internet service?

Living areas:

・         Ceiling fans?  With or without lights?

・         Recessed lights?

・         Switched receptacles?

・         TV, telephone or internet service?

・         Entertainment center?

・         Fireplace?

Are you going to have a bar?

・         Are there special needs in this area?  Refrigerator?

・         Wine cooler?


・         Are appliances gas or electric?

・         Under cabinet lighting?

・         Any lighting on top of upper cabinets?

・         Or any lighting inside the cabinets?

・         Waste Disposer?  Dishwasher?  Trash compactor?

・         Recessed lights?

・         Is the refrigerator a 'built-in?'

・         Are you planning an island?

・         Is there going to be an appliance 'garage?'

・         Is the plumber installing an instant hot water dispenser?

・         Are you planning any unusual appliances, such as a bread warming

・         Drawer or wine chiller?  Or a dedicated appliance cabinet?

Other options to consider:

・         Are you installing a fire suppression (sprinkler) system?

・         Are you planning any under-tile floor heat?

・         Is an electronic air cleaner being installed in the furnace?

・    Are you having a hot tub or spa?  If so, what are the electrical requirements?

・      Is there a whirlpool in any of the bathrooms?  If so, do any have an internal water heater?

・      What kind of air system are you installing?  Conventional forced-air gas or Geo-thermal?

・         Do you need a security system?  Does it need to be monitored?

・        Are you installing a back-up generator?  What will you need to have it operate?

・     Do you want receptacles near the roof edge controlled by a timer for holiday lighting?

・         Are you going to have a central vacuum?

・         Have you heard about whole-house surge protection?

・         Which lights do you want on dimmers?

・         Is the garage heated?

・         Is the clothes dryer gas or electric?

・         Where do you need telephone, TV and internet connections?

・         Are you going with satellite TV or cable?

・         Have you considered an intercom system?

・         Are you installing conventional garage door operators or the new

・         'I-drive' type?

・         Are you having an office?  What do you need for power, phone,

・         Fax & internet services?

・         Do you need a dedicated circuit for a freezer?

・         Are you having a built-in ironing board?

・         Do you want lights in the closets?

Other necessary information needed:

・         Do your floor plans have the correct door swings shown?

・         Do you have a complete set of detailed plans for all your cabinets?

・         This includes all kitchen, bar and bathroom layouts, as well as

・         the layout of any walk-in closets.