1. Safety Shoes/Gumboots shall be worn by the staff working
at site and concerned workers.
2. Safety Helmets shall be worn by people working in
areas like pits, trenches, near the building & by carpenters, fitters,
erectors, fabricators, with the chin strap properly tied up while working on
the construction site.
3. Safety belt shall be worn by erectors, fabricators,
painters, masons, while working. It should be tied properly to a rigid
anchoring point
4. Clothing of the Workers / Supervisors / Engineers
should not be loose fitting to avoid mishaps.
5. Any person on top of scaffolding must make sure at
first that the scaffolding is properly secured by bracings etc. and is
safe. Any plank put on the scaffolding for bridging the gap must be tied
properly to the pipe either by binding wire or a good coir string so that the
plank will not tilt when the person comes to one end.
6. Safe and sufficient access for every work place
shall be provided and maintained; to the extent it is practical.
7. Openings, corners and edges shall be guarded so as
to prevent accidents due to falling.
8. Adequate and suitable lighting shall be provided
for all working places, approaches, dangerous openings and places.
9. Sanitary conveniences shall be provided, maintained
and kept clean. ST's to be emptied regularly.
10. First Aid-boxes (with prescribed medical aids)
reasonably accessible at all times shall be kept in convenient places like
office, stores, etc.
11. Acron Children Care shall be provided for the
children of workers at site.
12. Welder shall ensure that protective equipment like
welding Helmets/Hand shields, eye goggles, leather gloves etc. is used during
13. Construction materials shall not be stacked on the
floors more than the allowable loads.
14. No workman shall be allowed to ride on the lift
bucket/component which is being lifted.
15. Jointing of cables should be done with proper lugs
and joints shall be covered with insulating tape.
16. Protective gloves shall be used in electrical
operations involving high voltage.
17. Cautionary signs and boards shall be displayed at
required locations for infrastructure projects.
18. Fire fighting equipments such as extinguishers and
sand buckets shall be easily available in the vicinity of electrical operations
and storage of inflammable materials. Their validity and test dates
should be verified and corrective action should be taken.
19. Special attention shall be given for proper
earthing of cables and equipment.
20. Important safe working methods shall be explained
to/imbibed in the juniors who are working at the site during training.
21. Safety nets of Nylon as per requirement shall be
provided at different floors as per the requirement.
22. Barricading by red / white ribbon (Danger tape)
shall be carried out all around the excavated pits, tank holes, danger area
etc. to avoid the accident.
23. Any accident of serious nature (fatal, partial
disability etc.) shall be investigated by site authorities and report shall be
compiled and corrective/preventive actions shall be taken to avoid
To facilitate
better communication, following details should be prominently displayed in the
site office
・ Site plan indicating Water lines, Water tanks,
Septic tanks, Electrical lines, Fire extinguishers locations, Switch board room
locations etc.
・ List of site managers with their telephone numbers.
・ Telephone Numbers of Hospitals, Fire service and
Police etc.
25. Ensure that the health cards are issued to all the
personnel on site.
26. Ensure that all the labours on site are provided
with mosquito nets.
27. Hot tar should be handled carefully. It should be
in a metal bucket with not more than 4" (10 cms) of tar in the bucket so
that it does not splash out and burn someone.
In no
circumstances are tar buckets to be carried on the head or shoulder of the