1.    Explain how could you locate fresh water and sea water interface?

2.    What are the methods of geophysical logging?

3.    Explain with a neat sketch the control of sea water with a pressure ridge?

4.    What are the applications of GIS and remote sensing in artificial recharge of ground water?

5.    What are the different methods of well construction?

6.    What are the different methods of artificial recharge of ground water?

7.    Explain electrical resistivity method with a neat sketch?

8.    What are the merits of sea water intrusion?

9.    Explain the difference between gamma-gamma logging and natural gamma logging?

10. Explain the basic concept of artificial recharge?

11. What is meant by shape of interface? Explain?

12. Describe ghyben - Herzberg relation with a neat sketch?

13. Discuss different methods of well development in vogue?

14. Explain seismic- refraction method with a neat sketch?

15. Explain the occurrence of saline water intrusion?

16. What is the necessity of ground water recharge?

17. What is meant by ground water basin management? Explain? 

18. Explain well development?

19. Explain the methods of resistivity logging?

20. What is meant by fluid logging? Explain?

21. What is meant by bore log? What are the different types of bore log methods?

22. Explain the radioactive logging method with a neat sketch?

23. What is meant by interception of log data? Explain?

24. What are the methods of drilling?

25. What are the surface methods of exploration?


1.    What is the need of soil stabilization? Explain?

2.    What are the basic principles involved with different methods of soil-stabilisation?

3.    State the use of plate load test. Write the standard specifications of the test?

4.    Explain CBR method with a neat sketch?

5.    Discuss the factors responsible for flexible pavement design?

6.    Explain the rigid pavement design procedure by AASHTO method?

7.    Distinguish between PSR and PSI?

8.    What are the salient features of the thickness design of asphalt pavement as per the Asphlat Institute Method?

9.    What is ADT? Explain?

10. What are the desirable properties of bitumen mix?

11. Write a short note on IRC method of flexible pavement?

12. Write a short note on a) material characteristics b) traffic factors c) environmental effects on flexible pavement design?

13. List out the design parameters of rigid pavement?

14. What are the different types of rural road pavement?

15. Write a short note on design of reinforcement to control cracking concrete pavement?

16. What are the advantages of geo-synthetics?

17. Explain AASHTO method of flexible pavement, with equation?

18. Difference between AASHTO method and IRC method of rigid pavement design?

19. Write a short note on low volume road?

20. Write a short note on seasonal variation in sub grade moisture content. Draw a typical sketch?

21. Write a short note on resilient modulus?

22. State the assumptions made by the design guidelines of CC pavement for rural roads according to the guidelines of IRC:SP:62-2004?

23. Explain PSI, δPSI, Pand Pt relation between them with a diagram?

24. Write a short note on serviceability?

25. What are the different layers of pavement? What are their functions?