Useful Q & A on tender

State any four reasons on account of which, lowest tender can be rejected.

Rejecting the lowest tender

The lowest tenderer may not have sufficient funds to execute the work upto completion.

The lowest tenderer may lack in experience for some particular work involved.

The own/department had some bad experience in the past from the lowest tenderer, due to his careless un-co-operative attitude.

The lowest builder may not have special types of equipment and experienced staff required for the execution of that work in which such type staff and equipments  are required.

Mention any four points which you will consider while scrutinising the tender.

The sealed tenders are opened in the presence of the contractors or their representatives.

The rates quoted in the tenders are read out infront of those who are present.

A comparative statement is made. Tenders containing unauthorised corrections and mutilation are seriously dealt.

The tenders which are not received in proper form duty filled in and signed and not supported by the required Earnest Money are mentioning rejected and a record of such cases are kept Register of tenders received.

Mention any four documents which are included in the tender set and state the purpose of each document.

The Notice Inviting Tenders (NIT)

It is a very important document on in which tenders and subsequent agreements with contractors are based.

Tender form

To make provision to show the name of the contractor with registered address, due date on which application made for issue of tender and the actual date of issue.

Schedule of quantities of the work

Gives brief descriptions of the approximate quantities to be used with their units of rates under the contract.

Complete specifications of the work to be executed

To carry out the work as per the specification of the department concerned. Each engineering department have their own printed standard decided specifications for the general types of work.

Mention the types of tenders forms and state the purpose for which they are used.

Tenders are invited in following forms –

a) Negotiated tender

   In this method only single contractor, whose integrity, reliability and capability is already known is negotiated as regards the price to be paid to him for the execution of certain work, the work to be carried out is within the scope and experience of the firm or there is only one firm which under takes the job.

b)  Limited Competition tender

In this method owner calls tenders from few contractors who are renounded in that particular work. This method is generally recommended for monumental structures, industrial construction and any other work requiring specialised knowledge and equipment.

c)   Open competition tender

In this method sealed tenders are called from different contractor, by advertisement in the leading news papers, displaying the notices on public places and writing letters to competent firms. This procedure is usually adopted for public works. And contractor, who has requisite the work is allowed to submit his offer on a prescribed form issued by the department. The lowest tenderer is generally allotted work.