·        Prepare base mortar with cement and sand in the ratio 1:4.

·  Set the levels for floor (i.e. dead level or slope as specified by the Architect / Contractor).

·      Prepare cement slurry i.e. mixture of cement and water to form a thick paste and spread it on the leveled base mortar.

·        Wet the back side of the tile with water. Complete immersion of water is not required.

·      If tiles are square or rectangular in shape, set the right angles for the area and place the first tile along the right angle lines and place it on base mortar. Tap gently only with a rubber or wooden mallet to obtain perfect levels.

·      Clean the surface of the tile with clean water immediately after laying with wet sponge, Ensure the base mortar cement which squeezes through the joints does not settle on the tile. Also ensure that the water used is not hard to brackish.

·      Do not use the area laid for at least 24 hours.

·     Fill in the joints with pointing material which is a mixture of white cement and desired color pigment. For higher quality of finishes, You could use, if required, a polymer based cementitous tilling joint filler like Roffe rainbow. To get the desired color/shade, mix the same with water to form a smooth paste which should be applied to the joints, preferably with the use of rubber squeeze or rubber sheet. Do not apply the pointing material all over the surface.

·      Allow pointing material to set for 15 minutes and then clean the surface of the tile with a clean wet sponge, removing the excess pigment on the tile surface.

·    Wash the surface with soap water or mild detergent to obtain a clean surface and wipe it.