1. Introduction
                1.1     Health & Safety Management System
                1.2       Basis of the HSMS
                1.3      Abbreviations / Definitions
                1.4     HSE Master Form List


This manual has been prepared to provide each employee with a working knowledge of what is required to comply with both (Your company name ) occupational health and safety (HSE) objectives and the relevant legislation as enacted by the Local Government.
It is intended that this be a dynamic document that will change and evolve as the need arises.  All employees are encouraged to seek better ways of carrying out our business in general, and therefore, are encouraged to contribute to the continuous improvement of this manual.
Fundamentally, this document is intended to offer the framework for the improvement of our occupational health and safety performance rather than a predetermined set of safety parameters.
The Site In-Charge who is appointed to be the project manager for the project is responsible for the implementation of the HSEMS manual with the assistance from the site Health and Safety Environment (HSE) professionals.


Health Safety & Environment Management System (HSEMS) are to be established for all EVO construction sites.  The aims of the Health Safety & Environment Management System are listed below:
1.    Ensure that the (Your company name) HSE policy and objectives are implemented.
2.  Provide for safe work practices in carrying out the normal operations of the worksite.
3.    Provide for the identification of hazards and establish safeguards against hazards.
4.    Provide for response to emergency situations.
5.    Continually improving safety management skills.
6.    Create a culture that safety is an integral part of all work operations.
7.    Ensure that proper accident investigation and timely reporting are implemented.


(Your company name)
Project Manager
Site Manager
Site Engineer
Site Supervisor
Health & Safety Environment officer
Health & Safety Environment Coordinator
Health & Safety Environment Supervisor
Health & Safety Environment Management system
Health Safety & Environmental
Safe Work Procedure
Ministry of Manpower
Site Incident Controller
Officer in charge
Civil Defense Force


A master form list of all the forms, checklists and records as required in this HSMS manual is appended below:
Health & Safety Environment (HSE) Master Form List
Type of Document: Health & Safety Management System (HSMS Manual
Form No
Rel 1 (date)
Rel 2 (date)
Form HSE-01
Permit To Work Application (PTW)
Form HSE-01A
Safety Assessor Appointment
Form HSE01B
PTW  Application Supervisor Appointment
FormHSE- 01C
Scafoldder/Rigger Appointment
Form HSE-01D
HSE Induction
Form HSE-02
Daily Checklist for Civil Engineering & Excavation Works
Form HSE-03
Risk Assessment Form
Form HSE-04
Formwork Support/Stripping Checklist
Form HSE-05
Tool Box Meeting Minutes Record
Form HSE-06
Daily Boom/Scissor Lift Operator’s Checklist
Form HSE-07
Checklist for Safe Entry to Confined Space
Form HSE-08
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Record
Form HSE-09 
Lifting Plan
Form HSE-10
Pre-Lifting Operation Checklist
Form HSE-11
Daily Crane Operator’s Checklist
Form HSE-12
Checklist for carrying out Hot Works
Form HSE-13
Daily Forklift Operator’s Checklist
Form HSE-14
 HSE Training Form
Form HSE-15
Accident Statistics Record
Form HSE-16
Accident Investigation Form
Form HSE-17
Incident/Near Miss Form
Form HSE-18
Safety Instruction Form
Form HSE-19
Administrative Levy Form
Form HSE-20
Stop Work Order Form
Form HSE- 21
Daily Site Safety Inspection 
Form HSE-22
Daily Checklist for Electrical Works
Form HSE-23
List of Authorized Workers

2, Safety Policy, Organization & Responsibilities
2.1  Company HSE Policy
2.2 Safety Targets & Objectives (in compliance with OHSAS 18001:2007 Section    4.3.3 Objectives & OHS Management Programs)   
2.3 Site Organization & Responsibilities (in compliance with OHSAS 18001:2007          Section 
4.4.1 Structure and Responsibility)

SAFETY IS EVERYONE’S RESPONSIBILITY.  The Management of (Your company name )  considers the safety and health of staff and workmen as important criteria and gives its utmost support for successful project delivery without compromising on safety. The Company will vigorously implement an Health and Safety Environment Management System with a commitment to provide sufficient and appropriate resources for the purpose of ensuring the safety and securing the health of all staff and workers on the worksite.
It is (Your company name )  policy, to provide and maintain safe and healthy work conditions. Likewise, it is my primary responsibility to transmit to my staff, subcontractors and workers our desire for excellence in health and safety matters and to imbue in all a desire and passion to achieve these standards. We recognize that only with the corresponding commitment from everyone will we be able to achieve these targets of passionate, enthusiastic workforce who practice workplace personal safety while carrying out his duty.
(Your company name )  Site Team and all trade supervisors shall have the primary responsibility for the safety and well-being of their workers.  This responsibility can be met by all trade supervisors working continuously to promote safe work practices among their workers and to maintain property and equipment in safe operating condition.
The Workplace and Safety Health and site personnel shall be responsible for ensuring that safe work practices on the part of workers are not compromised.  As such, they shall be authorized to carry out strict enforcement of all safety rules and regulations implemented at the workplace. No job shall be considered efficiently completed unless the worker has followed every precaution and safety rule to protect himself and his fellow workers.
Each and every worker shall co-operate by using the equipment, work tools and protective equipment / devices properly and safely to prevent injuries to themselves, fellow workers and damages to plant and equipment.
(Your company name) and all other sub-contractors shall comply with the Local Safety Rules and its legislative regulations and applicable legal and other requirements in accident prevention.
I urge all personnel who are engaged in the project to take ownership of their safety and strive for zero accident besides targeting for higher productivity and quality.
I strongly believe that work safety, progress and quality can all co-exist together.
General Manager
(Your company name )


While this manual endeavors to formulate the basic systems and procedures required to operate our day to day business with regard to HSE, it is extremely difficult to develop a management system that will cater for all (Your company name ) business scenarios.
Therefore each individual should not only assess HSE issues in relation to the specifics mentioned in this manual but against our OHS goals stated below.
1.    (Your company name) aims to provide safe and healthy conditions of employment for all staff.
2.  (Your company name) aims to ensure that our site works do not endanger members of the public or our subcontractors.
3.    (Your company name) is committed to the continual improvement of the Health Safety and environment in which we work.
4.    (Your company name) shall comply with all statutory and legislative requirements.
To comply with (Your company name) policies, the following long term and short term objectives will be pursued.
 The long term objectives to (Your company name) are:
1.    Eliminate serious or debilitating accidents
2.  Eliminate serious material and equipment damage incidents.

The short term objectives required to attain our long term objectives are:
1.    Establish and maintain OHS management program system basing on HSE hazards and risks and management direction. (Please see Appendices 1,2 & 3)
2.    Establish and maintain safe places of work and safe systems of work.
3.    Establish accident and occurrence investigation and corrective action procedures.
4. Ensure that all (Your company name) staff are adequately educated, trained and supervised regarding activities which have inherent HSE risk.
5.    Implement effective subcontractor selection criteria with regard to OHS issues.

(Your company name) short term objectives shall be reviewed annually to evaluate both:
1.    The extent to which (Your company name) are achieving the short term objectives.
2.    Determine what future plans and/or objectives need to be implemented to attain our long term objectives.


Site Organization Chart for Major Projects

Site Organization Chart for Medium Projects

Site Organization Chart for Minor Projects

2.3.1  Responsibilities


1.    Establish a leadership role to ensure there is a commitment throughout the project by Design Consultants, Site Management and Subcontractors, to achieve the HSE policy intent, plan program requirements and employee involvement.
2.    Ensure that risk assessments are conducted at all stages of the design and construction to eliminate HSE risks for: a. construction works
a.    commissioning
b.    client usage
c.    client maintenance
3.Ensure subcontractors comply to the minimum safety requirement of (Your company name).
4. To attend “Construction Safety Course for Project Manager” and all other relevant courses required by regulations in order to discharge his duties accordingly.

2. Site Manager / Site Engineer / Site Supervisor
1.    Ensure that a health & safety management system is established prior to construction that will achieve the project policy intent and objectives.
2.  Establish a leadership role to ensure there is a commitment throughout the site works to achieve the safety management system requirements and policy intent.
3.    Establish HSE responsibilities for all (Your company name) site staff.
4.  Establish minimum standards of compliance for plant, materials, products and work activities.
5.    Ensure that the selection process for suppliers and subcontractors includes an appraisal of their ability and commitment to meet with (Your company name) HSE policy, programme and objectives.
6.    Ensure that risk assessments are conducted at appropriate stages of the construction to eliminate OHS risks during design, construction and commissioning.
7.    Ensure that those risks that are identified and which cannot be eliminated are minimized through the development of safe work procedures, training and effective compliance verifications and management systems.
8.   Communicate the project HSE policy intent to all staff and subcontractors and ensure compliance.
9.   Ensure suppliers and subcontractors management are held accountable for their HSE performance.
10. Ensure that adequate training / retraining programs are provided and/or established that will provide (Your company name) staff with adequate skills and knowledge so that their responsibilities can be effectively performed.
11. Evaluate the projects HSE performance regularly.
12. Conduct investigations and implement corrective actions for all workplace occurrences.
13. Establish periodic internal and external audits of the project HSE performance.
14. Conduct regularly recorded project inspections to ensure that unsafe work practices and/or developing hazards are identified and rectified.
15. Ensure adequate supplies of personal protective equipment are available to (Your company name) staff and that subcontractors have supplied likewise to all their employees.
16. Ensure that personal protective equipment is correctly used.
17. Encourage subcontractor participation in hazard inspections, reporting and rectification.
18. Establish emergency response programs.

3. Health & Safety Environment Officer / Coordinator/Supervisor
1.    HSEO/HSEC/HSES are to execute their duties without any impartiality. Any uncertainty and ambiguity is to be referred to (Your company name) Corporate Safety Manager. At no times must there be any compromise or discrimination to subcontractor in setting safety standards.
2.    Conduct daily safety inspection and compile daily and monthly safety reports.
3.    Implement safety and health standards/regulations formulated for the worksite.
4.  Investigate all accidents / dangerous occurrence and correct causes to prevent future occurrence.
5.    Safety enforcement on all site personnel.
6.    Maintain the site safety records.
7. Coordinate with the various sub-contractors/nominated sub-contractors on matters pertaining to safety and health of the work places.
8.    Conduct Site Induction Training For All New Workers & Staff
9.    Conduct safety talks / tool box meetings.
10. Promote safety awareness among sub-contractors and workers.
11. Recommend safety measures to all site personnel including Engineers / Supervisors / Foremen, sub-contractors and nominated sub-contractors for implementation.
12. Implement safety training and campaign programs.
13. General safety and health correspondences.
14. Supervise the erection of safety features.
15. Any other safety and health related duties that are assigned by the management.

4. Sub-contractor / Nominated Subcontractor

1.    Responsible for safety of his workers.
2.    Ensure that all his workers have undergone Safety Orientation Course conducted by the Ministry of Manpower prior to deploying them for work.
3.    Responsible for obtaining prompt first aid or medical attention to injured.
4.    Conduct daily safety / housekeeping inspection of work area and rectify all unsafe acts / conditions.
5.    Accompany the HSE Officer / HSE Supervisor / Site In-Charge / Site Engineer / Site Supervisor in the safety inspection of any work area.
6.    Carry out all safety measures recommended by the safety section promptly.
7.    Report and investigate all accidents / dangerous occurrence and correct causes. A report of such shall be submitted to safety section for information.
8.    Hold regular safety discussion with his workers.
9.    Carry out all safety recommendations or measures as suggested by the safety section and his Safety Supervisor.
10. Ensure himself and all his workers adhere strictly to the site’s safety regulations.
11. Shall engage at least a qualified part-time Workplace Safety & Health Supervisor who shall spend at least 5 hours per week exclusively on safety at worksite, if he engages 20 or more workers.
12. To provide and ensure close supervision to all trade activities during Off peak hour, Friday and Public Holiday by Trade Supervisor.

5. Formwork/False work Safety Supervisor

1.    To coordinate and carry out risk assessment on all false work activities.
2.  To disseminate to workers on the risk involved in false work activities and the safety control measures required to be done.
3. To monitor the implementation of the control measures to ensure effectiveness and timeliness.
4.    Ensure that design has been established and is in accordance with the actual situation on site.
5.    Ensure that a satisfactory false work design is being carried out.
6. Ensure that design is independently checked for concept, structural adequacy and compliance with the design.
7.  Ensure that those responsible for on-site supervision receive full details of the design including any limitations associated with it.
8.    Ensure that checks are made at appropriate stages of the formwork/false work erection.
9.    Ensure that any proposed changes in materials or construction are checked against the original design and take the necessary action.
10. Ensure that any agreed changes or correction are done properly.
11. Ensure that appropriate maintenance is carried out during and after erection of the formwork/false work.
12. After final check, issued formal checklist and permission to load if everything is satisfactory.
13. When it has been confirmed that the permanent structure has attained adequate strength, issue formal permission to dismantle the false work.

6. Lifting Supervisor

1.    To apply for permit to work and ensure that risk assessment is carried out for all lifting operations.
2.    To disseminate to rigger/signal man, crane operator on the risk involved in the lifting operations and the safety control measures to be done.
3.    To monitor the implementation of the control measures to ensure Effectiveness and timeliness.
4.    Ensure that all lifting operations are carried out in accordance to thesafety requirements as set out by (Your company name) well as the legal            Requirements.
5.    Supervise and coordinate all lifting operations.
6.    Ensure to follow safe working procedures for any lifting operations by Mobile/tower crane and lorry cranes.
7.    Brief all crane operators, riggers and signalmen on the safe lifting
8.    Ensure that all lifting gears at the site are with tags and certified.
9.    To ensure that the load indicator radius is working at all times.

7. Rigger

1.    To check all slings at the work site.
2.    Ensure slings are not overloaded.
3.    Use proper lifting gears.
4.    Use proper receptacles for loose loads.
5.    Pad sharp edges to protect slings.
6.    Ascertain the weight of the load which is to be lifted and inform the crane operator of the weight of the load.
7.    Ensure that the load to be lifted is secured, stable and balance and properly rigged.
8.    Report any defect in the lifting gear to the lifting supervisor.

8. Signalmen

1.    Verify with the rigger man that load is properly rigged before giving clear signal to lift.
2.    Give correct and clear signals to guide the crane operator in the man oeuvre of the load.
3.    Use proper lifting gears.
4.    Use proper receptacle for loose loads.
5.    Padding of sharp edges to protect slings.

9. Scaffold Supervisor
1.    To ensure risk assessment is being carried out and safe work procedure for erection and dismantling of scaffold are followed strictly.
2.    To disseminate to workers on the risk involved in erection and dismantling of scaffolds and the safety control measures required to be done.
3.    To monitor the implementation of the control measures to ensure effectiveness and timeliness of implementation.
4.    To check all erectors safety harness and safety lifelines.
5.    To examine all scaffold tubing’s, frames, couplers, and other scaffold components for cracks, bends and other defects.
6.    Instruct and supervise workers in constructing, altering and dismantling of all scaffolding works at site.
7.    Enforce safety regulations and give necessary safety instruction to erectors whilst working at site.
8.    Check and certified scaffold safe for use.
9.    Enter into a scaffold register details of scaffolding erected and conduct weekly check.

10 .Scaffold Erectors
1.    To follow safety measures and safe work procedure as required in the risk assessment
2.    To possess erector certificate.
3.    To ensure safety harness is in good condition.
4.    To attend daily tool box meeting conducted by scaffold supervisor before commencing work.

11. Crane Operator

1.    To possess proper operator license.
2.    To understand operation of the type of crane and its load chart.
3.    To be brief by lifting supervisor on the risk involved in the lifting operation.
4.    To check for crane serviceability and the safety devices on a daily basis.
5.    Ensure the limitations of the limit switch.

12. Site Workers and Employees

1.    To adhere strictly to safety rules and regulations as stipulated by the company and as instructed by supervisor.
2.    To use PPEs at all times whilst working as and when necessary.
3.    To draw to the attention of the supervisor on all unsafe working conditions.
4.    To report all cases of injuries to the supervisor / foremen / Workplace Safety & Health Supervisor; however minor the injuries may be.
5.    To practice good housekeeping at all time.
6.    To attend Tool Box Meetings and to raise whatever doubts / suggestions.

                                             HSE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (1)
Program Description:                 To eliminate incident of worker falling from height.
Objective :                                  To achieve zero incident & Accidents
Start Date :                                 Beginning : ____________
Target Completion Date :           End          :  ____________
APPENDIX 1                     
Proposed Program / Activities
Comments / Results
(to be completed as the program (Your company name))
Reviewing of Risk Assessment.

Risk Assessment reviewed by WSH
and site personnel on ___________
Identifying of activities with high risk of working at height.
Working at height activities identified as follows:

Implementation of SWP and method of statement for working at height.

Trade supervisor to conduct training and site personnel with WSH personnel to ensure implementation before approving permit to work.
Site inspection on safety provision and measures including safety harness, lifelines and fall arrestor if necessary.

WSH personnel to conduct daily site safety inspection to ensure compliance.
Carry out corrective and preventive action for non conformance and accidents through the review of risk assessment.

WSH and site personnel to carry out such action and disseminate to the site through the project HSE meeting.
Result and Conclusion

If no incident, the program will cease indefinitely, if incident happens, the program will continue for another 6 months

Project Manager/ Site Engineer/ Site in charge: _______________________
  HSEO                                                   : _______________________

                                              HSE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (2)
Program Description:                 To review and reduce hazard of falling object from height.
Objective :                                  To achieve zero incident & Accidents
Start Date :                                 Beginning : _____________
Target Completion Date :           End           : _____________
Proposed Program / Activities
Comments / Results
(to be completed as the program (Your company name))
Reviewing of Risk Assessment

Risk assessment reviewed by HSE and site personnel on ___________
Identifying of activities with high risk of objects falling from height.

Falling object activities identified as follows:
Implementation of SWP and method of statement for working at height

Trade supervisor to conduct training, site and WSH personnel to ensure implementation before approving permit to work
Site inspection on safety provision and measures

WSH personnel to conduct daily site safety inspection to ensure compliance.
Carry out corrective and preventive action for non conformance and incident through the review of risk assessment.

WSH and site personnel to carry out such action and disseminate to the site through the project HSE meeting.
Result and Conclusion

If no incident, the program will cease indefinitely, if incident happens, the program will continue for another 6 months.

Project Manager/Site Engineer/Site in charge: _____________________
  HSEE/HSEO                             : _____________________

                                               OHS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (3)
Program Description:                 To eliminate incident arising from all lifting operation.
Objective:                                    To achieve zero incident & Accidents
Start Date:                                  Beginning : ____________
Target Completion Date:            End          :  ____________
Proposed Program / Activities
Comments / Results
(to be completed as the program (Your company name))
Reviewing of Risk Assessment on lifting operation.

Risk Assessment reviewed by HSE
and site personnel on ___________
Identifying of routine or non routine lifting activities with the development of lifting plan.
Lifting supervisor to prepare and submit lifting plan for approval.

Implementation of SWP and conduct prelifting operation check.

Lifting supervisor to conduct training and site personnel with HSE personnel to ensure implementation before approving permit to work.
Site inspection on the lifting operations.

HSE personnel to conduct site safety inspection to ensure presence of lifting personnel during lifting operation.
Carry out corrective and preventive action for non conformance and accidents if any, through the review of risk assessment.

HSE and site personnel to carry out such action and disseminate to the site through the project HSE meeting.
Result and Conclusion

If no incident, the program will cease indefinitely, if incident happens, the program will continue for another 6 months
Site Manager/ Site Engineer/ Site in charge: _______________________
  HSEO                                : _______________________