1 Introduction
            This document, the Company name Quality Plan forms part of the Project Business Plan.
The Project Business Plan is the Company Manual, which describes the company strategy for controlling the project throughout the construction process, from design to handover.
The Project Quality Plan outlines the specific Quality Control measures, which shall be developed and implemented. These shall principally comprise of method statements, Inspection and Test Plans and Guidance notes for compliance and continual improvement.
The company Quality System is subjected to internal audits in accordance with an audit schedule prepared for the company.
 2 Scope of work.
The Project consists of Construction of any numbers of buildings for any purpose, Ancillary Buildings, Earthwork, Compound Wall, Play courts, walkways, Landscaping, Asphalting, sewage treatment plant and all associated Electro-Mechanical services.
 3 Project Organisation and Responsibilities
            The below table details is relationship between the Project Quality team and the rest of the company project team and their Roles and responsibilities.
4      Project Quality Control
4.1     Document Control
All documents care should be taken to avoid duplication of documentation, wherever possible.
Additional or internal company requirements will follow the applicable procedures detailed in the following section.
An Electronic Document Management System will be developed for the project. This tool enables the control of receipt, distribution and communication of relevant information between all relevant parties involved.
Submission and any subsequent comments can be electronically made, incorporated, monitored and distributed between all parties whose logic is linked.
Documentation and correspondences between all parties can also achieve controlled submission, approval (or otherwise), distribution, communication and monitoring accordingly.
The Electronic Document Management System will primarily be up-dated by document control and various key department staff members.
All documents, both incoming and outgoing, will be subject to controls applicable to their purpose.  The type of document determines how it is to be dealt with.
‘Controlled Documents’ as distinct from correspondence, includes but is not limited to drawings, specifications, quality documents, temporary works designs, method statements, inspection and test plans, health and safety plan, lifting operations plan, fire plan, technical queries, instructions, contractual documentation, records of samples and benchmarks.
Controlled Documents will be managed using the Electronic Document Management System document management systems such that reference numbers, status, revisions, updates, issue, distribution and number of copies are properly recorded. Document transmittals will be used.

4.1.1   Controlled Documents Document Status
The status of documents in the project shall follow the designations stipulated in the Project Business Plan (PBP). Designation of documents as per latest revision of PBP shall be in use. Documents uploaded to electronic document management system and distributed among project members shall be designated with a status as summarized below:
Issued for Information
For documents which will not be used for construction.
Issued for Construction
For documents suitable for use in construction
Issued for Approval
For documents to be approved by client or lead consultant
For all documents that are issued in draft mode
Issued for Review
For all documents that have been issued to core group
for review and comment

4.1.2 Working drawings
A schedule of working drawings will be produced together with issue dates as agreed by the appointed Design Manager.  On-site discussions will take place between the Design Team and contractor to establish lead times for drawing approvals.
4.1.3 Electronic Drawings
Electronic transfer of drawings will be done following the process laid out in the section of the Project Business Plan (PBP).
4.1.4 Superseded Drawings
Superseded drawings will be marked and segregated from current ones.  The superseded versions may be retained as required by the Commercial Department or disposed of.
4.1.5    Specifications, Instructions and Programmes
These will be recorded using the Electronic Document Management System enabling status, tracking, recording and monitoring to be achieved.  Responses to RFIs will be received in accordance with the Contract requirements and Project procedures.
4.1.6 Incoming correspondence and faxes
All correspondence will be opened and the date and distribution stamp applied, with the exception of the following, which will deliver directly to
Private and Confidential correspondence          Addressee
Tender returns                                              Purchasing Manager unopened
RFIs,                                                             Document Control
Original Invoices                                           QS Department
Valuations                                                     QS Department
Pre-contract correspondence with Subcontractors/Copy for the day file, original to Suppliers Addressee
The Project Leader or his nominee noting the person responsible for action will mark the distribution on the distribution stamp.
The original of all correspondence (except as noted above) will be held in the central file.
Incoming faxes will immediately be copied and the original will be handed over to the addressee. The copy will be treated as an item of incoming correspondence. Fax paper will be colored to differentiate it as being an original document.
4.1.7 Outgoing correspondence and faxes
The Project Leader or nominee will endorse all outgoing correspondence prior to it being signed and issued by the originator. The Project Leader or Commercial Manager will sign financial matters.
All relevant correspondence will be distributed. Distribution will be issued to others at the discretion of the contractor.
The originator will mark the internal distribution of the correspondence, which for formal letters will only appear on the contractor copy of the document.
The Central file will always receive a copy.
All outgoing correspondence will be given a unique number together with the originator’s initials as a reference and where applicable will refer to a package number.
Standard templates for letters, faxes, memoranda, minutes etc will be held by the Administration Department. Contractor personnel should use these standard templates when they generate their own correspondence.
Outgoing faxes will be dealt with as normal correspondence.  Acknowledgement Receipts of outgoing faxes will be kept within the central filing system.
4.1.8   Filing System
The QS Department will be responsible for establishing the master filing system for the project complete with a copy of the filing codes. All departments should integrate their filing system with the master filing system they’re by avoiding duplication and information gapes.
4.1.9   E-mails
All correspondence between core group members will be through Electronic Document Management System.
Incoming e-mails received by individuals will be copied and treated as for original correspondence (e.g. copied to the Project Leader or nominee for stamping, distribution and copying).  A central email address will be provided to ensure the central file receives a copy.  The addressee will deal with confidential e-mails.
Outgoing e-mails will be dealt with as for outgoing correspondence ensuring authority for signing and copied to central file.
It is the discretion of the employee to ascertain whether e-mails are to be filed as per the above process.
4.1.10  Records and Data retention
There are two forms of records; those required for handover as part of the Final Record Packages and those used during the construction process.
Hardcopy construction records will be kept as prescribed by the contract.  These will be segregated by discipline or package, collated in order and suitably bound to avoid inadvertent mix-up.  Records will be housed in marked boxes with a register kept showing their contents.
Electronic records will also be kept and boxed, labeled and a register kept.   However, it is the hardcopy version, which will be used as master records.
Records will be archived to an archiving facility as established by the company.
A formal procedure for compilation and handover, if required, will be prepared by the Construction Managers.
Further information is available in the Document Control section of Infosystem
In addition to the above Electronic Document Management System will be available, which is an Intranet/Shared drive based application that enables collaboration between project Team members. This provides rigor to the Business-to-Business and Peer-to-Peer information exchanges (business processes) involved in a project lifecycle, facilitating the targeted distribution of project information to team members. It would primarily be used for drawing transmittals between all parties involved. The system allows access rights to comment, revise and approve drawings and other documentation. Necessary guidance and training shall be provided from time to time for the relevant persons as per the requirements.
4.2  Establishment of Method Statements and Inspection & Test Plans:
            A risk assessment and Inspections and Test Plan will accompany all Method Statement. These documents are intended to describe and define safe working systems for the sequencing of engineering, management, construction and safety actions. The management of the production of method statements, including assignment of responsibilities, preparation, check, review, amendment and submittal to the Engineer are identified within these method statements. Method Statements are produced for all construction execution activities. The issue of the documents is through the contractor Document Control Department, who maintain a register of method statement preparation and submittal with the Electronic Document Management System.
The preparation of these method statements is the responsibility of the Project engineer and or his delegate and approved by the Construction Manager. The Quality Representative will conduct sample reviews as a minimum.
Method Statements are required to be produced for all significant activities. The contractor format as defined in the Technical management section of InfoSystem is proposed unless other specific Project requirements are preferred.
All Method statements will be checked by the Project Manager or Manager responsible, and formally approved.  All Method Statements influencing either the Works or Safety are to be submitted to the Engineer.
Each method statement will identify work procedures.  The method of production, temporary works, materials, standards, equipment, safety precautions, protection and logistics involved. Provisions for inspection will be specified.
The whole site team are responsible for the successful implementation and compliance with these documented requirements within the method statements.
The Quality Representative will conduct sample surveillances to verify compliance and or as required. Quality Audits will confirm compliance to Inspection Test Plans.
Inspections and checklists will form part of the documented evidence of compliance.
4.3  Temporary Works
Temporary works will be executed, monitored and recorded by contractor.
This process will comply with the specific procedure developed for the project.
4.4  Management of Design / Detailing
Within the contractor organization, all design/detail issues will be managed by the site based Technical Department, reporting to the Technical Manager. The prime responsibilities of the Technical Department are:
·         Providing engineering support to all facets of the contractor organization. This includes the review of design for buildability, proposing alternative design solutions and co-ordination of all design queries. Formal communication within the Technical Department is managed through minutes by weekly meetings. Formal communication with the Engineer is managed via submittals. In addition, a bi-weekly meeting is convened between Engineer and contractor technical personnel.
·         Management of Shop Drawing Preparation – The responsibility of Shop Drawing Preparation will be as per the roles and responsibilities defined within the (Appendix A)
·         Management of As-Built records, in accordance with the Contract Close-out process
·         Management of Design by Others. Where this option is exercised, Site Procedures will be produced in order to define this activity.
4.5   Inspections On /Off Site         
The relevant site engineer and or his delegate will generally conduct inspections. The QC representative will assist and conduct sample surveillances and specific inspections as and when required. Each Inspection Test Plans will identify the responsibilities of the process owners and the Engineer in relation with approving the elemental inspections of the processes.
‘Inspection Requests’ will be forwarded to the Client’s representative for their approval/comments.
For works, which are not in compliance with requirements, these shall be recorded and monitored under the NCR system. The NCR system will record discrepancies and analyze any trends for implementation of preventive measures.
For specific construction inspection checklists, i.e. Earthworks, Concrete Foundations, Concrete Ground Floor Slab etc. (Appendix B)
4.6   Third Party Inspection/ Test Agency
For the appointment and subsequent management of additional Third party inspection/test agency, the contractor will rise an Inspection Request for the consultant and take the approval before the execution of works.
The interaction between the testing agency, contractor and Client will be defined within the testing agency’s ITP (or equivalent document), which shall be submitted by the contractor for approval.
4.7     Sub-Contractor Control:
Major Sub-contractors, suppliers and service providers will be required to submit a Quality plan for contractor approval. These plans will identify (as a minimum) controllable measures to be undertaken within their scope of works, identifying the interaction, hold points, inspection points and surveillance requirements between all parties concerned, from product receipt through to product handover.
The Quality plans shall also identify all methods and process’s to ensure compliance with specific project compliance and assurance of continual monitoring (audit schedule).
the contractor will control the suppliers by means of auditing their systems on an agreed timescale, and by reviewing all applicable inspection points prior to submission to the client representative.
A monthly Quality report will be requested from all major suppliers/sub-contractors as per detail, under section 4.8 of this plan.
4.8   Monthly Quality Reporting.
A monthly quality report will be developed and distributed to the Project Leader and relevant department heads for review and necessary action as and when required. The report may include but is not limited to;
·         Status of Submittals/ Inspections/ tests
·         Status of tests.
·         NCR’s raised and closed.
·         Audits conducted (any NCR’s raised during the audit)
·         Identify any trends.
·         Any 2nd and 3rd party Audits conducted.
·         Handover status (during applicable stage of the project)
5  Management of Materials:
A wide variety of materials are required on the project. Prior to execution of construction, these are to be sourced primarily based on availability, capability for supply in sufficient quantity, and compliance with specified technical requirements. The Procedure for Procurement controls the management of the procurement process. Details of materials proposed for use in the permanent works, are submitted to the Engineer for approval. Where pre-construction trials or mock-ups are required, Method Statements are produced and submitted to the Engineer for approval.
6          Change Management
Change encompasses any or all of the parameters of scope, cost, time, risk, quality or other constraints.
A prescriptive process will be tailored in accordance with the agreed terms of the contract. As part of the evaluation process there will be input and consultation with other members of the project team in respect of the following;
·         Design and Quality.
·         Program
·         Costs
·         Risks
·         Safety
·         Build-ability.
Members of the team will review the proposals in the Change proposal, liaise with other members as necessary and provide their input.
Together with project participants, the responses will be co-ordinated and the evaluation of the Change will be finalized and readied for approval by the client.
6.1          Updated Risk Analysis
Risk Assessments will be conducted on the project using the spreadsheet and information given in Info system.  This may be used to produce agenda for regular Risk Management Meetings chaired by the Project Leader (or his nominee) and attended by the appropriate members of the project team.
Risk Management reports will be issued recording actions taken to address the risks identified.
7  Acceptance and Handover
The contractor will complete the project to the satisfaction of the customer by ensuring all the works are carried out based on the building guidelines and the specifications agreed as per the contract and will carry out a final inspection before handing over the project to manage outstanding works, defects, and snagging processes and to enable the monitoring of the status of different packages, areas and contractors.
Each element of the building Services installation will be demonstrated to the Client’s representatives. Preparation of operating and maintenance documentation will commence with the placing of orders. Draft operation and maintenance documentation will be issued to the clients’ representative in advance of the handover date.
Liaison will be carried out by the Engineer.  The Site Engineers will cover separate areas of responsibility – their responsibility being to ensure compliance.  They, along with the Employer’s representative, have authority for acceptance of the works.
It is proposed that acceptance and handover will be carried out on a sequenced basis.
During the 17 months following practical completion, any defects discovered will be rectified within the Defects Liability Period.  The tasks will be assigned to a manager who will investigate the report and decide a course of remedial action.  This will involve the appropriate trade/subcontractor responsible for the original work.
A letter requesting inspection for Final Completion will be issued.  On satisfactory inspection, the Engineer will issue the Final Acceptance Certificate.
8  Management System Review, Maintenance & Improvement
The EVO management system is under continual review. Where areas requiring maintenance and/or improvement are identified, this will be addressed. The principal methods of performing this process are:
·   Audit planning
·   Audit Execution
·   Reporting
·   Correction, Prevention, and Close-out
·   Inspections
·   Management Reviews
8.1 Audits:
Audits are conducted under the control of the Quality Manager. These include internal audits of contractor organizational departments, processes, and operations, as well as external audits of Suppliers and Subcontractors. A schedule of program audits is produced. This is submitted for information to all contractor Department Managers, relevant Subcontractors, Suppliers, and the Engineer. Written confirmation is provided to the auditee in advance of the audit. Unscheduled audits may be conducted at the discretion of the Quality Manager. Audits are planned, executed and conducted in accordance with the Audit procedure included within ‘InfoSystem’. Corrective and Preventative measures, as well as audit closeout, are also managed in accordance with this management Procedure. The Project Quality Manager or his delegate will inspect the concrete supplying plant, with in 3 weeks of receiving the Monthly Quality report of the supplier, which includes calibration certificates, Aggregate Test Reports etc. The Process related to concrete supply will be verified thereby on Monthly basis.
8.2 Non-conformance reporting
The manager responsible for the area of work will raise a Non‑Conformance Report Form (NCR) in instances where the specified requirements have not been met and cannot be corrected by the simple adjustment.  A register of NCRs will be maintained to ensure that the approved Corrective Action (CA) has been completed, and the Preventive Action (PA) agreed. The non-Conformances will be reported by the process owners or the inspectors will constantly follow up the supplier / section head of the non-conforming process/work/material.
Steps in the process include:
1.      Clear identification and description of the non-conformance
2.      Corrective action plus approval authority and timescale for implementation
3.      Segregation, if practical, of non-conforming materials and their identification, until authorized for use or disposal
4.      Verification of acceptability of rework or repair of materials, workmanship, components, systems and structures by re-inspection
5.      Re-inspections performed in accordance with written instructions will be documented
8.3 Details of preventive actions to avoid recurrence.
Where an NCR has been raised contractor work, the responsible manager will prepare the formal Corrective Action proposal, together with a proposal for the Preventive Action to be taken to ensure that the NCR does not recur.  This will be passed to the appropriate authority for that package of work.  This may be a member of the Design team.
When an NCR has been raised against subcontractor’s work, the subcontractor will propose a Corrective Action, not later than week’s time, which will be agreed by the contractor.  Where appropriate the Design Team may be involved in approving the Corrective Action on the NCR form or may use an equivalent system, which is dealt with in the same manner.
Remedial work required will not be undertaken until the necessary approvals have been granted.  A copy of the NCR and Corrective Action will be copied to the Q.S. Department for assisting in evaluating Monthly review of rework costs.
Subcontractors will be required to operate a formal Non-conformance system using their own approved documented system. Where this does not exist, they will use the contractor system.  The subcontractor will deal with these internally in the same way as described previously.
8.4 Management Reviews:
A management review of the Project Quality Assurance Plan is performed twice per year. The Project Leader and relevant management representatives attend this. The detailed review agenda is based on the headings identified in this quality plan, considering the results of audits, inspections, non-conformances and personal experiences. Recommendations for process and/or system improvements are identified through analyses of trends (e.g. repetitive non-conformances). The Project Business Plan is also reviewed in order to ensure that the document remains comprehensive and true to the stated strategy for control of the Project. The minutes of the Management Review meetings are recorded, and management actions assigned.