Bond used for the construction
of brick wall in English bond.
In this arrangement alternate
coarse are laid as stretcher coarse and header coarse. Queen closer is placed
after the first header in each header coarse. In thick walls the middle portion
in field with headers. Since the number of vertical joints in the header coarse
twice those in stretcher coarse.
1. English
bond is more stronger.
2. The
speed of work is more in English bond.
Item Required
1. Brick
2. Cement
3. Sand
4. Water
5. Trowel
6. Plumb
bob etc.
The work of construction of one
and half brick wall using English bond. The weted bricks are laid on the
mortar places on the foundation. The bricks are placed in such a way to get
alternate stretcher coarse and headers coarse. Between each coarse mortar is
placed. The joints in header coarse are made thinner than those in the
stretcher coarse. To run the wall in a straight direction two straight ropes
are provided on both inner and outer sides of wall. The procedure is carried
out up to the full height of the wall.
1. Mortar
should be used of exact proportion.
2. Bricks
should be well watered before use.
3. Vertical
face should be checked by plumb bob.
4. Uniform
size of bricks should be used.
5. Joints
should be filled properly.
6. Mortar
should be used before initial setting time.