U.C.R. masonary is the poorest form of stone masonary. The stones to be used for the work are directly obtained from the quarry. After merely knocking of weak corner’s and edges with the masons hammer, corners rubble masonary give sufficient strength to the masonary.
1. It is cheaper than brick work.
2. Speed of construction is more.
3. When pointing is done it looks better in appearance.
Item required
1. Stones
2. Sand
3. Cement
4. Water
5. Trowel
6. Plumb bob
7. Angle
8. String
Before starting U.C.R. masonary, surface on which construction of U.C.R. masonary is done is wetted so as to avoid absorption of water from mortar by than surface. 1:6 proportion of cement and sand is taken and sufficient quantity of water is added. The mortar is placed on the surface and the stones are placed on that mortar. To avoid thick joints chips of stone are inserted then the other layer is placed in such a way that to break the vertical joints. The joints should not be exceed than 13 mm vertical face of the wall is checked with the help of plumb bob.
U.C.R. Masonary
Following precaution should be taken while constructing U.C.R. masonry.
- Stones to be used in the work should be well wetted before use.
- Mortar should be used of exact proportions.
- Stones should be uniform color, uniformed and of greater size.
- The entire work should be well wetted for at least two weeks.