question & ans. on Tender Notice, tender, framing specification of an item, Draft II class BBM

State the points you will consider while forming Tender Notice.

Following are the same important points to be considered as:

Carefully study of the contract documents.

Sub-contractor’s work.

Visit to the site of work.

Time for completion.

Unremunerative work.

Estimation of on-costs.

Final Estimates for Tendering.

Preparation of Lump-sum tender.

Preparation of unit price or measurement Tender.

State when all tenders can be rejected.

The tenders received may all the rejected of:

There exist a well grounded suspicion of collusion between tenderer, or some other form of fraud.

Radical changes in the design are found necessary during the interval preceding the openings of the tenders.

The lowest tenderer has quoted a figure which is higher than funds available for the execution of the work.

Sickness, financial reverse or an unforeseen happening has occurred which makes it inadvisable for the owner to proceed in accordance with his original intentions.

Minimum number of tenders to assure adequate competition are not received.

State points you will consider while framing specification of an item.

There are some points to be considered while forming the specification of an item given as follows:

Specification Language.



Item affecting the cost of work.

Repetition of information.

Inapplicable text.

The text of specification.

Standard sizes & patterns of item.

Cross reference.

Specification should prescribes.

Nothing, that to practically impossible to achieve and not intended to be enforced, should be specified.

Draft II class BBM in superstructure from execution point of view.

For all II class BBM, bricks shall be of second class and mortar shall be specified, may be kankar lime and white limes and surkhi (sand or cinder) of 1:2 to 1:3 proportion.

Joint: Not to exceeded 50 mm (3”/4) in thickness.

Soaking of Bricks: Bricks shall be soaked in water for at least three hour immediately before use.

Laying: Bricks shall be well bounded and laid in English bond unless otherwise specified. Every course shall be truly horizontal and wall shall be truly in plump.

Curing: The bricks work shall be kept net for a period of at least 10 days after laying.

Protection: The brick work shall be protected from the effect of sun, rain, frost etc. during the construction and uptill such time it is green and likely to be damaged.

Scaffolding: Necessary and suitable scaffolding shall be provided to facilate the construction the brick work. Scaffolding should be sound and strong and members sufficiently strong so as to withstand all loads likely to come upon them.

Measurements: Bricks work shall be measured in cum or in cu.ft. Different kinds of brick work with different mortar shall be taken under separate items. The thickness of wall shall be taken as multiple of 1/2bricks as ½ brick 10 cm.
1brick 20 cm. 1 ½ brick 30 cm and so on. The rate shall be for the complete work including scaffolding and all tool and plants.