Cause and effect

The placement of key décor elements tends to impact the lives of residents in many different ways.

Mirrors in a home almost always create extremely powerful changes in the flow of chi. They seem to have a special potency that affects the harmony and quality of relationships between members of a family and household, especially the bond between husbands and wives.

When mirrors are placed in correct settings, where they reflect auspicious objects and orientations, they bring a great deal of happiness, but when they are set in the wrong places they cause separations that some-times become permanent. So mirrors should be handled with great care.


we have already noted the grave danger to marriage caused by mirrors that directly reflect the bed in the master bedroom. In all other bedrooms, also mirrors should not reflect beds, as they can cause rifts in the friendships of those being reflected in their sleep. Social intercourse for these people becomes a source of unhappiness.


Meanwhile, mirrors in other parts of the home also have the potential to cause unhappiness. When a mirror directly reflects the main door, it causes chi to fly out of the house, resulting in there being no luck that can stay and accumulate.


Such mirrors cause some of a home’s residents to travel frequently and eventually to leave home. Constant separations occur and when astrological times are bad, these separations sadly lead to permanent breaks. These are frequently between husbands and wives where one party travels for work so much, eventually they grow apart.


Separations can also be shown as children leaving home. Even when a mirror does not directly reflect the main door, as long as you can see the door in the mirror it suggests that children leave home a lot earlier than expected.


Mirrors placed in dark, unused corners can cause similar problems the best way to counter this is to light them. Also, place plants near such mirrors to ensure that the “growth” energy in the home doubles countering the bad energy that causes residents to separate.


One of the nicest ways of energizing the south west and any other area of the home is to literally bring the sunshine in. this is not always possible as it depends on whether you have a window with a sun-facing aspect. If you do, then you should hang a few one to two inch wide faceted crystal balls along the windows. These are lead crystals and the best are those made for chandeliers. Go to your nearest lighting shop and ask for a few faceted crystal balls.


When the sunshine catches the facets of the crystal, it breaks the while sunlight into the colours of the lights spectrum, thereby instantly creating and sending beautiful rainbows into the home. Usually, depending on how large the crystal balls are, these rainbows lights are extremely brilliant and large as well.


Rainbows also create precious yang energies that circulate and accumulate throughout the home, thereby vastly improving the chi inside it. Usually, homes awash with sunshine and rainbows are happy homes. These will not be any lack of friends or socializing opportunities for their inhabitants. The great thing about this tip is that it is impossible to overdo since the rainbow colours created never overwhelm a home.

Candles make wonderful energizers

  • Candles make wonderful energizers for romance. Use red and yellow candles to accentuate the chi of the south-west. Do not use white or black ones, since the chi that emanates from them clashes with the energies of the earth sector, it is not necessary to light the candles every day – once a week is sufficient or during full moon nights.

  • On those evenings, you might wish to place several floating candles in a bowl of water. Inside the bowl, place seven types of semiprecious stones. If you have it, set a small piece of limitation gold in the basket of elements you are creating. Adding the gold will make your family luck more complete and auspicious. The last ingredient to include is the wood element. To ensure it is live wood rather than dead wood, place freshly cut flowers in it. This stimulates a situation when romance is blossoming or is about to blossom. This little ritual thus creates all five elements of the universe, with the fire element leading the way. The candle represents fire, the semi – precious stones symbolize the earth element; the flowers, wood; the gold, metal; and then there is water. Thus, all five elements are represented making the symbolism complete and whole.