New age décor demystified

A systematic approach can help to create the dream home you always wanted.

Very few things give one as much delight as doing up one’s home. Thus it is only prudent that we keep some important points in mind while we go about our task. Here are some of them.

Fix a budget

Before you start, have a budget in mind. As doing up the house, involves a whole lot of things, right from the furniture to the plumbing to the electrification to the upholstery, right down to the last nail and screw. Each has its own price tag. Once you start, it is so easy to go overboard. Having a budget will provide you with a yardstick to measure your expenses at each stage.

Do a study

Once you have a budget in place, the next logical step is to make a little bit of study as to how you might want to do up your home within your limited budget. Look up books; search the net, visit places, a whole of lot ideas will surface. A clearer picture will emerge as to what exactly you want to do with regards to the space within your room, what kind of furniture and upholstery you might want, the choice of the colour of the walls with the light settings, etc.

Understanding attributes

Have a very close look at the attributes of your room. What is the height of the room, what are the length and breadth dimensions, where are the doors and windows located? All these are the basic attributes of the room and have a major influence on the overall décor of the space. They define the backdrop of the entire scheme. Select and plan the colour, lights and furniture with regards to the attributes of the room. Remember the whole assembly needs to function as a unit.

The right colour

Colour creates an ambience. So visually dynamic is this entity that it can make a space look smaller or bigger than what it is. Hence, like mentioned earlier, it has to be in sync with the overall attributes of the space. A highlight colour on one particular wall can do wonders for the overall settings. Again, choice of colour is largely individual. Go with your own instincts. Your guests and friends will grace this room once in a while; but you and your family who will be seeing this room every day. So make sure it’s a colour that you will enjoy 24x7x365.

Correct light settings

Besides affording Illumination to the space, Light, like colour also helps in creating a unique ambience. Lighting goes a long way in enhancing the décor of the room. A good Lighting scheme is a balance between Task Lighting which is lighting that mainly, illuminates the functioning of the room and Mood Lighting, which helps create the mood.

Assembling the furniture

The furniture should first and foremost be comfortable to use. It’s no point having a pretty looking sofa set, which is uncomfortable to sit on. Or a fancy centre table, that is so delicate that you even dread to keep a cup of coffee on it. Remember; these have to be real sturdy besides looking sleek as well. Again, a right choice of furniture can compensate for any décor limitations, as the furniture is the first thing to make an impact in any scheme. Having said that, a good colour scheme along with the right Light settings, can also create an overall ambience, to balance any visual shortfall. But, it’s usually the furniture that takes centre stage.